Job and career
Job motivation & attitudes
Society & social affairs
Generation 50+ & retirement
Public health
Health impairments
Personality inventories
Attitudes, appraisals, & ideologies
Religion & culture
Cultural identity
Worldview & religiosity
Social demographics
PIAAC Cycle 2 – Validation of selected items from the draft PIAAC Background Questionnaire: Findings from the US, Germany, France, Poland, and Japan
PIAAC-Longitudinal (PIAAC-L) 2016 - Background Questionnaire (English Version)
Project "Best_FDM" - Questions on the Corona pandemic, religion, and household income (English Version)
Survey methodolgy
The GESIS pretest database provides researchers access to findings of cognitive pretests conducted by the GESIS pretest lab. You can find, for example, the following information on a tested question:
- How do respondents understand the question or specific terms?
- Is the question understood in the way intended by the researcher?
- How easy or difficult is it to answer the question?
The database can either be searched using the list of topics on the left or by using the search function.