Internet of Things (English Version) - Cognitive Online-Pretest
The Community survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals is an annual survey conducted since 2002, collecting data on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), the internet, e-government and electronic skills in households and by individuals.
The subject of this pretest is a module on the Internet of Things (IoT), so – if deemed appropriate – it can be included in future waves of the survey.
The questions were tested in a cognitive online pretest via web probing.
*Note: The items were tested both in English and German.*
Lenzner, T., Neuert, C., Hadler, P., & Menold, N. (2018): Internet of Things (English Version). Cognitive Online-Pretest. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Question No. | Pretesting Results | Type | Construct |
1 | Have you used any of the following devices or systems that are connected to the internet? | Single Question | Usage of internet connected devices/systems for private purposes |
2 | What were the reasons for not using any of the aforementioned devices or systems that are connected to the internet? | Single Question | Reason(s) for not using internet connected devices/systems previously |
3 | You have mentioned before that you have used wearable devices connected to the internet. What have you used them for? | Single Question | Usage of wearable divices |
4 | Have you encountered any of the following problems when using the devices or systems that are connected to the internet? | Single Question | Problems encountered when using internet connected devices/systems |
Number of Participants:
Selection of Target Population/Quotas:
Quota sample
This online pretest was fielded in Great Britain and Germany. Half of the respondents were British (n=60), the other half were German (n=60). Due to the substantive topic of this pretest (usage of internet connected devices/systems), the target population was divided into three categories (Barriers - Problems - Wearables).
The selection of the target population was based on the quotas age (18 to 64 years in three groups: 18 – 29; 30 – 49; 50 – 64), and gender (male; female). In addition, a minimum of 15 respondents in each country was expected to fall into the category "Wearables".
Test Date:
Survey mode:
Pretest mode:
Web Probing
Usage of an online questionnaire with additional openended and closed-ended probing questions (Web Probing).
Incentive for respondents:
0.70 Euros
Project Description:
The Community survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals is an annual survey conducted since 2002, collecting data on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), the internet, e-government and electronic skills in households and by individuals.
The Pretest lab of GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (Germany) was assigned the task to pretest a module on the Internet of Things (IoT), so – if deemed appropriate – it can be included in future waves of the survey.
The inclusion of a module on IoT in the Community Survey on ICT Use in Households and by lndividuals is of interest to DG CNECT in order to monitor the evolution and adoption of recent technological solutions in this domain.
European Commission
Guillermo Hernández