European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version) - Cognitive Pretest
This report contains the results of the post test of the 6th EWCS, carried out by GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (Germany). The aim is to deliver insights for the interpretation of the results of the 6th EWCS, and to deliver input for the development and revision of the 7th EWCS.
Two major research questions are addressed. The first is to establish differences in comprehension of questions between employed and self-employed respondents. Secondly, it examines potential measurement issues related to the concept of employment and the main paid job criterion for workers in atypical working situations.
For the post test a mixed-mode design was used. A cognitive online pretest in the UK, Germany, and Poland was carried out with a total of 365 employed and self-employed respondents. Face-to-face interviews with 32 respondents in Germany and Poland delivered insights on atypical working situations, such as multi-activity or precarious employment.
*Note: The items were tested both in English and German.*
Hadler, P., Neuert, C., Lenzner, T., & Menold, N. (2018): European Working Conditions Survey 2018 (English Version). Cognitive Pretest. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Number of Participants:
Selection of Target Population/Quotas:
Quota sample
This online pretest was fielded in Great Britain, Germany and Poland. About one third of the respondents were British (n=120), another third were German (n=123) and the last third were Polish (n=122). Due to the substantive topic of this pretest (working conditions), the target population was divided into two categories (Employed and Self-Employed).
The selection of the target population was based on the quotas age (15 to 65 years in three groups: 15 – 30; 31 – 50; 51 – 65), and gender (male; female). In addition, a minimum of 30 respondents for each age group and 50 respondents for each gender was expected to fall into the category.
Test Date:
06/2018 - 10/2018
Survey mode:
Pretest mode:
Web Probing & CAPI
For both tasks, the GESIS Pretest lab conducted cognitive pretests. This method first asks respondents
to answer a survey question and then poses follow-up questions, known as probing questions, asking
them to reflect their understanding of certain terms or their choice of answer.
For the first task, the GESIS Pretest lab conducted a cognitive online pretest with a total of 365 employed and self-employed respondents in UK, Germany, and Poland in June 2018 recruited via an open
access panel. The samples used quotas by gender, age, and type of employment. Probing answers were
coded according to emerging themes and compared between respondent groups. Possible errors in the
cognitive process of survey response were identified based on the results.
The interim report for task 1 was delivered in July 2018.
For the second task, face-to-face cognitive interviews were carried out by the GESIS Pretest lab and
Kantar Poland with a total of 32 respondents in typical and atypical employment situations in September and October 2018. The main aim of these interviews was to assess whether the survey instruments are suitable to capture the working conditions of atypical groups of workers, or whether there
are issues of coverage, non-response and measurement errors related to these groups. Half of the
sample consisted of respondents who were either employed or self-employed. The other half consisted
of a wide range of atypical employment situations, such as respondents who are both employed and
self-employed, working in several employment contracts, or workers at the margins, with short-term
contracts and/or very few hours and little pay. Emergent themes were documented on respondent
level and are documented in detail including verbatims. The cognitive interviews also followed up on
open questions from the first task.
This report contains the results of both cognitive online pretest and the face-to-face cognitive interviews.
Incentive for respondents:
30 Euros, 50 zloties
Project Description:
Eurofound has developed three regularly repeated pan-European surveys (ECS, EQLS and EWCS) to contribute to the planning and establishment of better living and working conditions. The surveys offer a unique source of comparative information on the quality of living and working conditions across the EU. Detailed analysis of the survey data allows Eurofound to identify new and emerging trends, as well as to gain deeper insight in the issues central to European policy. The results provide a strong basis for policymakers to identify opportunities for improvement and to develop forward-looking perspectives. The surveys are a key element in Eurofound’s mission to provide high-quality information and advice for EU and national-level policymakers, social partners, researchers and European citizens alike.
The EWCS is the longest running survey, and has become an established source of information about working conditions and the quality of work and employment. Having been implemented since 1990, it enables monitoring of long-term trends in working conditions in Europe. Themes covered include employment status, working time arrangements, work organisation, learning and training, physical and psychosocial risk factors, health and safety, worker participation, work–life balance, earnings and financial security, as well as work and health.
Agnes Parent-Thirion