International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) 2013/2014 (English Version) - Cognitive Pretest


The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is an international cooperation program that conducts an annual joint survey on topics relevant to the social sciences. Since its foundation in 1984, the ISSP has grown to 48 member countries in 2013.
The subject of this pretest are questions from the ISSP surveys 2013 and 2014 in Germany on topics such as national pride, globalization, and ethnic pluralism.
The questions were tested via face-to-face cognitive interviews.

*Note: The items were tested in German. The items documented here are English translations of the original German wordings. The translations do not correspond exactly to the formulations in the English ISSP 2013 and 2014 source questionnaires.*


Lenzner, T., Neuert, C., & Otto, W. (2013): International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) 2013/2014 (English Version). Cognitive Pretest. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

