FReDA-W2a - Questions about infection with and vaccination against COVID-19 (English Version) - Cognitive Online Pretest


At the core of "FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study" are annual surveys of 18- to 49-year-old women and men and their partners. This will enable data users to answer various family-demographic, family-sociological and family-psychological questions.
The subject of this pretest are questions about infection with and vaccination against COVID-19 that were developed for wave 2a of FReDA.
The questions were tested in a cognitive online pretest via web probing.

*Note: The items were tested in German. The items documented here are English translations of the original German wordings.*


Lenzner, T., Hadler, P., Schick, L., & Neuert, C. (2022): FReDA-W2a - Questions about infection with and vaccination against COVID-19 (English Version). Cognitive Online Pretest. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

