PIAAC-Longitudinal (PIAAC-L) 2016 - Background Questionnaire (English Version) - Cognitive Pretest


As a follow-up project to the PIAAC 2012 study (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies), the PIAAC-L project (PIAAC-Longitudinal) continues to follow the German PIAAC 2012 sample in a longitudinal direction with an expanded spectrum of questions.
The subject of this pretest are questions about migration background, culture of origin, occupation, employer and the start of employment.
The questions were tested via face-to-face cognitive interviews.

*Note: The items were tested in German. The items documented here are English translations of the original German wordings. The translations do not correspond exactly to the formulations in the English PIAAC source questionnaire.* 


Otto, W., Disch, K., Beitz, C., Gebhardt, S., Neuert, C., & Menold, N. (2015): PIAAC-Longitudinal (PIAAC-L) 2016 - Background Questionnaire (English Version). Cognitive Pretest. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

