Impostor Self-Concept Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents – ISF-KJ (English Version)


Impostor Self-Concept Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (ISF-JK)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The items were tested in German. These are English translations of the original German wordings.*


To what extent do the following statements apply to you?
[Inwieweit trifft die folgende Aussage auf Dich zu?]


Please mark the answer that best suits you for each statement. [Bitte kreuze die Antwort an, die für Dich am besten passt.]


Never true [Stimmt nie]
Sometimes true [Stimmt manchmal]
Often true [Stimmt oft]
Always true [Stimmt immer]

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

Category Selection Probing, Emergent Probing
Itemtext Aktiv getestet


Item 1: Even if I am well prepared, e.g. for a class test, I have doubts about being able to perform well.
[Auch wenn ich gut vorbereitet bin, z. B. für eine Klassenarbeit, zweifle ich daran, eine gute Leistung zeigen zu können.]


The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.


Item 2: I try to avoid situations in which I am judged by others (e.g. competitions, presentations, speaking up in class).
[Ich versuche Situationen zu vermeiden, in denen ich von anderen beurteilt werde (z. B. Wettkämpfe, Referate, sich melden im Unterricht).]


The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.


Item 3: Although I have often received good grades, I am afraid that I will not be able to meet the expectations of others in the future.
[Obwohl ich schon oft gute Noten bekommen habe, habe ich Angst, in Zukunft die Erwartungen von anderen nicht erfüllen zu können.]


To prevent respondents from leaving the item unanswered because they rarely or never get good grades, we recommend rephrasing it in the same way as item 13 and adding the aspect of “good performance”:

Although I have often had good grades or performed well, I am afraid that I will not be able to meet the expectations of others in the future.
[Obwohl ich schon oft gute Noten hatte oder gute Leistungen gezeigt habe, habe ich Angst, in Zukunft die Erwartungen von anderen nicht erfüllen zu können.]

However, this does not solve the problem that this item cannot be used to distinguish people who do not suffer from impostor syndrome from people who do not achieve good grades or performance. This would require an additional response category (e.g. "I don't often get good grades or perform well").


Revised version:
Although I've often achieved good grades or good performance, I'm afraid that I won't be able to meet other people's expectations in the future.
[Obwohl ich schon oft gute Noten hatte oder gute Leistungen erreicht habe, habe ich Angst, in Zukunft die Erwartungen von anderen nicht erfüllen zu können.]



Item 4: I'm afraid that other people who are important to me will one day discover that I'm not as good as they think I am.
[Ich habe Angst, dass andere Personen, die mir wichtig sind, eines Tages entdecken, dass ich nicht so gut bin, wie sie glauben.]


To avoid misinterpretation of the item, we recommend replacing the term “good” with a clearer term (e.g. “high performing” or “smart”).

Revised version:
I'm afraid that other people who are important to me will one day discover that I'm not as smart as they think I am.
[Ich habe Angst, dass andere Personen, die mir wichtig sind, eines Tages entdecken, dass ich nicht so schlau bin, wie sie glauben.]


Item 5: I can remember situations in which I performed poorly better than situations in which I performed well.
[An Situationen, in denen ich schlechte Leistungen erbracht habe, kann ich mich besser erinnern als an Situationen, in denen mir gute Leistungen gelungen sind.]


The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.


Item 6: When others praise me for my good performance, it makes me uncomfortable. 
[Wenn andere mich für meine gute Leistung loben, ist mir das unangenehm.]


The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.


Item 7: Even if I've only made small mistakes, I feel like I've done everything wrong.
[Auch wenn ich nur kleine Fehler gemacht habe, habe ich das Gefühl, alles falsch gemacht zu haben.]


The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.


Item 8: I rarely perform as well as I would like to.
[Ich erbringe nur selten eine Leistung so gut, wie ich es mir wünsche.]


We recommend simplifying the language of the item (suggestion 1) and ideally also removing the negation (suggestion 2). With suggestion 2, however, it should be noted that the item would have to be recoded during the evaluation:

(1) My performance is not as good as I would like it to be.
(2) My performance is as good as I would like it to be.
[(1) Meine Leistungen sind nicht so gut, wie ich es mir wünsche.
(2) Meine Leistungen sind so gut, wie ich es mir wünsche.]

Revised version:
My performance is as good as I would like it to be.
[Meine Leistungen sind so gut, wie ich es mir wünsche.]


Item 9: I often get good grades, even though I feel like I'm not that good.
[Ich habe oft gute Noten, obwohl ich das Gefühl habe, gar nicht so gut zu sein.]


To prevent respondents from leaving items 3 and 9 unanswered because they rarely or never get good grades, we recommend reformulating both in the same way as item 13 and adding the aspect of “good performance”.

I often get good grades or perform well, even though I feel I'm not that good.
[Ich habe oft gute Noten oder zeige gute Leistungen, obwohl ich das Gefühl habe, gar nicht so gut zu sein.]

However, this does not solve the problem that these items cannot be used to distinguish people who do not suffer from impostor syndrome from people who do not achieve good grades or good performance. This would require an additional response category (e.g. “I do not often get good grades or perform well”).


Item 10: Although I often perform well, I'm afraid of failing at every new task.
[Obwohl ich oft gute Leistungen zeige, habe ich bei jeder neuen Aufgabe wieder Angst zu versagen.]


The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.


Item 11: Sometimes I'm afraid that others will realize how little I can really do.
[Manchmal habe ich Angst, dass andere merken, wie wenig ich wirklich kann.]


The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.


Item 12: I have the feeling that my classmates can do more than I can.
[Ich habe das Gefühl, dass meine Mitschüler/ Mitschülerinnen mehr können als ich.]


The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.


Item 13: Although I have often achieved good grades or good performance, I don't have any confidence in myself.
[Obwohl ich schon oft gute Noten oder gute Leistungen erreicht habe, traue ich mir nichts zu.]


To avoid misinterpretations such as that of respondent 10, we recommend reformulating the item and omitting the phrase “I don't have any confidence in myself". A possible alternative wording would be:

Although I have often had good grades or performed well, I doubt my abilities.
[Obwohl ich schon oft gute Noten hatte oder gute Leistungen gezeigt habe, zweifle ich an meinen Fähigkeiten.]

Revised version:
Although I've often achieved good grades or good performance, I doubt my abilities.
[Obwohl ich schon oft gute Noten hatte oder gute Leistungen erreicht habe, zweifle ich an meinen Fähigkeiten.]


Item 14: When I am praised for something, I have great doubts about being as good again the next time.
[Wenn ich für etwas gelobt werde, habe ich große Zweifel daran, beim nächsten Mal wieder so gut sein zu können.]


We recommend simplifying the language of the item:

When I am praised for something, I find it hard to believe that I can be as good again the next time.
[Wenn ich für etwas gelobt werde, fällt es mir schwer zu glauben, dass ich beim nächsten Mal wieder so gut sein kann.]

Revised version:
When I am praised for something, I have great doubts that I can be as good again the next time.
[Wenn ich für etwas gelobt werde, habe ich große Zweifel daran, dass ich beim nächsten Mal wieder so gut sein kann.]

In addition, the order of items 13 and 14 was swapped, as both items relate to doubts.



Item 15: When I get a good grade or evaluation for an assignment, I often believe that I have deceived my teachers about my abilities.
[Wenn ich eine gute Note oder Bewertung für eine Aufgabe bekomme, glaube ich oft, dass ich meine Lehrer / Lehrerinnen über meine Fähigkeiten getäuscht habe.]


Overall, the respondents found item 15 the most difficult to answer. The respondents' statements show that the term “deceive” in the school context evokes associations with attempts to deceive (e.g. in the sense of copying), which is not the intention of the item. We recommend reformulating the item according to the most common interpretation, although this changes the focus of the item slightly:

When I get a good grade or evaluation for an assignment, I often believe that my teachers were wrong about my abilities.
[Wenn ich eine gute Note oder Bewertung für eine Aufgabe bekomme, glaube ich oft, dass sich meine Lehrer / Lehrerinnen über meine Fähigkeiten getäuscht haben.]

Revised version:
When I get a good grade or evaluation for an assignment, I often believe that my teachers overestimate me.
[Wenn ich eine gute Note oder Bewertung für eine Aufgabe bekomme, glaube ich oft, dass mich meine Lehrer / Lehrerinnen überschätzen.]