

Item 1: Even if I am well prepared, e.g. for a class test, I have doubts about being able to perform well. [Auch wenn ich gut vorbereitet bin, z. B. für eine Klassenarbeit, zweifle ich daran, eine gute Leistung zeigen zu können.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

All ten respondents chose the answer option “Sometimes true” for item 1. They were asked to explain their answers in more detail, with the reasons in all ten cases matching the selected answer option. The respondents explained that they occasionally doubted that they could perform well, but that this was not very often the case:

  • “Sometimes I get a bit excited and nervous when I have to give a presentation or read out a story, for example.” (TP01, 8 years old, 3rd grade)
  • “Sometimes I get a bit nervous because I want to get a good grade in my exams, and I don't know if it will work.” (TP07, 9 Jahre, 4th grade)
  • “I'm usually well prepared, but sometimes one thinks, ‘Hmm, can I do this now?’ You also never know exactly what will be asked. So, you can sometimes be unsure.” (TP08, 10 years, 5th grade)
  • “Sometimes I think that I haven't learned enough or that I will forget everything again.” (TP02, 11 years old, 6th grade)
  • “Sometimes I'm afraid that I'll mess up in subjects that I'm actually good at too.” (TP05, 13 years old, 7th grade)


The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.