

Item 7: Even if I've only made small mistakes, I feel like I've done everything wrong. [Auch wenn ich nur kleine Fehler gemacht habe, habe ich das Gefühl, alles falsch gemacht zu haben.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

Slightly more than half of the respondents (n = 6) answered item 7 with "Never true", while two respondents each selected the answer options "Sometimes true" and "Often true". The respondents were asked to explain their answers in more detail, whereby the reasons in all ten cases matched the selected answer option and increasing frequencies corresponded to an overall more self-critical attitude:

  • “For example, if I misspell just one word in a homework assignment, it's not the end of the world.” (TP01, 8 years old, 3rd grade, answer: Never true)
  • “The most important thing is that you got most of it right. If you did almost everything right and only made a few inattention mistakes, then that's still great.” (TP03, 12 years old, 7th grade, answer: Never true)
  • “When I have to fill in a sheet at school and then some things are wrong, I sometimes think I haven't understood everything at all.” (TP06, 9 years old, 4th grade, answer: Sometimes true)
  • “I once painted a picture, for example, and I made a small mistake. But it looked really bad to me because I had imagined it differently in my head. And then I thought everyone would notice and I'd done everything wrong. That's not always the case, but it often is.” (TP10, 11 years old, 6th grade, answer: Often true)


The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.