Item 6: When others praise me for my good performance, it makes me uncomfortable. [Wenn andere mich für meine gute Leistung loben, ist mir das unangenehm.]
Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:
Befund zum Item:
With one exception (TP01), all respondents answered item 6 with "Never true" and explained that they did not find it uncomfortable to be praised by others, but that on the contrary it was a nice feeling to receive recognition for good performance:
- “I'm one of the best at school. A lot of people say that I'm really good and that they'll never manage to be as good. But I don't find that uncomfortable.”(TP07, 9 years old, 4th grade)
- “I definitely don't feel uncomfortable when I'm praised. I just think it's great.” (TP08, 10 years old, 5th grade)
- “I am always happy when others praise me. That's something nice.” (TP03, 12 years old, 7th grade)
Respondent 01 explained that, depending on the social context, it can sometimes be uncomfortable to be praised in front of others:
- “For example, if it would have been much more important for a friend to be praised and it's not so important to me, but she notices it, then it doesn't feel so nice. In a race in PE class, for example.” (TP01, 8 years old, 3rd grade)
The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.