

Item 9: I often get good grades, even though I feel like I'm not that good. [Ich habe oft gute Noten, obwohl ich das Gefühl habe, gar nicht so gut zu sein.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

The respondents used the full range of the scale to answer item 9, with the majority of respondents (n = 6)opting for the "Never true" answer option. The respondents were asked to explain their answers in more detail, with the reasons in all ten cases matching the selected answer option and increasing frequencies reflecting the perception that they were not actually as good as the grades suggested:

  • “My grades are not as good as I would like them to be. But I think I can do quite a lot” (TP05, 13 years old, 7th grade, answer: Never true)
  • “Most of the time I have good grades and also the feeling [of being good]. Sometimes I get a good grade that I didn't expect. Where I thought I would get a worse grade. But that doesn't happen that often.” (TP01, 8 years old, 3rd grade, answer: Sometimes true)
  • “I've been getting good grades more often recently, but I'm not actually that good. That's often true for me” (TP08, 10 years old, 5th grade, answer: Often true)
  • “I don't always get good grades, but most of the time I do. But I also often think that I'm bad at school.” (TP02, 11 years old, 6th grade, answer: Always true)

One respondent noted that the presupposition "I often get good grades..." did not apply to her. She then answered the item for the hypothetical situation that she would often get good grades:

  • “I don't often get good grades. But if I did, I'd rather be happy about it and think that I'm quite good.” (TP03, 12 years old, 7th grade, answer: Never true)


To prevent respondents from leaving items 3 and 9 unanswered because they rarely or never get good grades, we recommend reformulating both in the same way as item 13 and adding the aspect of “good performance”.

I often get good grades or perform well, even though I feel I'm not that good.
[Ich habe oft gute Noten oder zeige gute Leistungen, obwohl ich das Gefühl habe, gar nicht so gut zu sein.]

However, this does not solve the problem that these items cannot be used to distinguish people who do not suffer from impostor syndrome from people who do not achieve good grades or good performance. This would require an additional response category (e.g. “I do not often get good grades or perform well”).