Item 10: Although I often perform well, I'm afraid of failing at every new task. [Obwohl ich oft gute Leistungen zeige, habe ich bei jeder neuen Aufgabe wieder Angst zu versagen.]
Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:
Befund zum Item:
The respondents only used the left half of the response scale to answer item 10 and answered half with "Never true" and half with "Sometimes true". The five respondents who answered "Never true" stated that they were very self-confident:
- “I'm not afraid that I'm doing anything wrong.” (TP04, 10 years, 5th grade)
- “I'm actually not afraid of new tasks. If I can do something well and then a new topic comes along, I tend to think that I will be able to do it well.” (TP03, 12 years old, 7th grade)
- “I am actually very self-confident.” (TP05, 13 years old, 7th grade)
The five respondents who answered "Sometimes true" explained that they were sometimes unsure whether they would be able to understand new topics or solve unknown tasks without making mistakes:
- “Sometimes I feel like I'm failing at new tasks. But not most of the time.” (TP06, age 9, 4th grade)
- “When things come up in class that I don't really understand or don't know how to do, I sometimes think that I can't do it. That's why I would say 'sometimes true'.” (TP07, 9 years old, 4th grade)
- “Sometimes I'm a bit scared and nervous, but not that often. For example, when I got good grades in my first English tests and then one comes along where the tasks are more difficult. Then I do get nervous.” (TP08, 10 years old, 5th grade)
The results of the cognitive interviews do not indicate any problems with the item, which is why it can be left in its current form.