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Ich möchte lieber ein Bürger/eine Bürgerin Deutschlands als irgendeines anderen Landes auf der Welt sein.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
No changes recommended.
Befund zum Item:Three test persons stated that they could not answer item a) ("Don't know"). One respondent (TP 05) justifies his answer by saying that he would rather be a European citizen, but that citizenship is a national category. Another respondent (TP 10) argues that he/she has no comparison with other countries and therefore cannot say whether he/she would have liked to become a citizen of another country. Similarly, subject 13 explains her response behavior: "There are advantages and disadvantages in every country. I am German, but I would never say that I would rather live in Germany than in another country. This is my home country, but if it turns out to be, I'll live abroad, too."
Thema der Frage:
Religion & Kultur/ Kulturelle Identität
Konstrukt:National pride
Ja |
Nein |
Die Welt wäre besser, wenn die Menschen in anderen Ländern eher so wären wie die Deutschen.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
Possibly reformulate in:
"The world would be a better place if people in other countries were more like the Germans." [„Die Welt wäre eine bessere, wenn die Menschen in anderen Ländern eher so wären wie die Deutschen.“] Befund zum Item:Two test persons (TP 06, TP 07) state that they cannot say whether the world would be a better place if everyone had "German virtues" (TP 06).
Three other test persons decide on an answer category, but criticize that it is unclear to them what the question is aimed at: "Is it the people or the system in Germany?" (TP 09). Test person 10 also addresses this ambiguity: "I am of the opinion that many things that are going quite well here institutionally, I would grant other countries and thus other people somewhere, that it is the same there [...] But I don't know whether this is really the achievement of the people or whether one doesn't have to say that it is the whole country that is developing in a certain direction. That's why I have 'Neither' [stated], but I could have also ticked 'I cannot say'. “ Test subject 19 ("disagree") vacillates between agreement and disagreement, depending on the intention of the item: "If I understood that people in the world were better off, I would say I agree, but that people themselves were better off, I disagree. “ In total, a quarter of the test subjects make it clear that the item is formulated too imprecisely for them. This is mainly due to the formulation "The world would be better", which is not understood by some test subjects in the intended sense or whose meaning is unclear to some test subjects (What would be better? Would the people themselves be better? Do "German virtues" have an influence on the welfare of the world? - see also findings on item h). Thema der Frage:
Religion & Kultur/ Kulturelle Identität
Konstrukt:National pride
Ja |
Nein |
Nein |
Wenn mein Land Erfolg im internationalen Sport hat, macht mich das stolz, ein Deutscher/eine Deutsche zu sein.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
As previous pretests have already shown, the formulation "proud to be German" is problematic due to German history and is met with rejection on the part of the test persons. In this pretest, too, the test persons in the extreme case state that they are "proud of Germany" but not "proud to be German".
We therefore propose the following reformulation: "I am proud of Germany when my country is successful in international sports." [ „Ich bin stolz auf Deutschland, wenn mein Land Erfolg im internationalen Sport hat.“ ] Befund zum Item:Four test persons (TP 01, TP 05, TP 07, TP 10) state that they cannot answer the question ("Don't know"). The main reason given for this is that the phrase "proud to be a German" is not correct. They are happy when German athletes perform well, but see these successes independent of the fact of being German: "I am a great sports patriot and am always happy when a German athlete wins or wins the national team, but that does not make me proud to be German." (TP 07).
Test person 09 also finds the phrase "proud to be a German" problematic and therefore uses the "neither nor" category as a hidden "don't know" option: "It makes you proud because you see the effort behind it, you are happy with the team, you see the success, you can be happy with the team. But to be a German right away? It's too national for me." This shows that at least five of the 20 test persons are annoyed by the phrase "proud to be a German" and therefore do not (want to) answer the question. Thema der Frage:
Religion & Kultur/ Kulturelle Identität
Konstrukt:National pride
Ja |
Nein |
Die Welt wäre besser, wenn die Deutschen zugeben würden, dass in Deutschland nicht alles zum Besten steht.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
Reformulate in:
"The world would be a better place if Germany were to admit that not everything is for the best in this country.” [„Die Welt wäre eine bessere, wenn Deutschland einräumen würde, dass hierzulande auch nicht alles zum Besten steht.“] Befund zum Item:Eleven test persons do not agree or do not agree at all with the statement, two test persons choose the answer category "neither nor" and four agree with the statement. The answer "Fully agree" is not given. A total of five respondents choose the answer category "Don't know."
All test subjects understood the negation "that not everything is in the best condition in Germany". However, not all test subjects take into account the postulated causal relationship between "admitting that not everything is fine in Germany" and the consequence that the world would be a better place.
The remaining five test persons (TP 01, TP 03, TP 05, TP 08, TP 14) only consider the second part of the statement "if the Germans would admit that not everything is for the best in Germany" and do not make a connection with the effects, i.e. whether the world would be a better place:
These five test persons thus completely hide a central aspect of the statement and therefore answer only a part of the item.
The formulation of the item does not allow the test persons to express that, by and large, everything is fine in Germany. Thema der Frage:
Religion & Kultur/ Kulturelle Identität
Konstrukt:National pride
Ja |