

a.) I would rather be a citizen of Germany than of any other country in the world. [Ich möchte lieber ein Bürger/eine Bürgerin Deutschlands als irgendeines anderen Landes auf der Welt sein.]

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Befund zum Item:

Three test persons stated that they could not answer item a) ("Don't know"). One respondent (TP 05) justifies his answer by saying that he would rather be a European citizen, but that citizenship is a national category. Another respondent (TP 10) argues that he/she has no comparison with other countries and therefore cannot say whether he/she would have liked to become a citizen of another country. Similarly, subject 13 explains her response behavior: "There are advantages and disadvantages in every country. I am German, but I would never say that I would rather live in Germany than in another country. This is my home country, but if it turns out to be, I'll live abroad, too."


No changes recommended.

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