

h.) The world would be a better place if the Germans would admit that not everything is for the best in Germany. [Die Welt wäre besser, wenn die Deutschen zugeben würden, dass in Deutschland nicht alles zum Besten steht.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

Eleven test persons do not agree or do not agree at all with the statement, two test persons choose the answer category "neither nor" and four agree with the statement. The answer "Fully agree" is not given. A total of five respondents choose the answer category "Don't know."

When asked how easy or difficult they found the answer to the question, nine respondents state that they found it "rather difficult" (n=6) or "very difficult" (n=3). The reason for this is due to an insufficient understanding of the question. Test person 04, for example, says that at first, he or she does not know what the question is supposed to lead to. Three other test persons cite similar reasons:

  • „Because I just had to read it 1,000 more times to understand the sentence." (TP 02)
  • „The question is challenging.“ (TP 03)
  • "You have to think a little bit more about the question. "You mustn't be too hasty to check your box.“ (TP 15)

All test subjects understood the negation "that not everything is in the best condition in Germany". However, not all test subjects take into account the postulated causal relationship between "admitting that not everything is fine in Germany" and the consequence that the world would be a better place.

Only three test persons (TP 12, TP 15, TP 20) are of the opinion that not everything is fine in Germany, that this should be admitted and that this is related to a better state of the world.

Twelve test persons cannot see a connection between admitting the state of affairs in Germany and the welfare of the world:

  • „If the Germans would admit that not everything is good, for me this has nothing to do with world events.“ (TP 02)
  • „It is certainly the case that not everything is perfect in Germany, but what do the other countries get out of it?“ (TP 04)
  • „I can't think of anything that would change if Germany were now to say that not everything is fine here.“ (TP 06)
  • „The world would not become a better place if we said that we are also bad.“ (TP 10)

The remaining five test persons (TP 01, TP 03, TP 05, TP 08, TP 14) only consider the second part of the statement "if the Germans would admit that not everything is for the best in Germany" and do not make a connection with the effects, i.e. whether the world would be a better place:

  • „Germany is not doing well and Germany should admit it.“ (TP 01)
  • „We have to admit that not everything is for the best with us.“(TP 05)
  • „With our unemployment and the Hartz IV, you can certainly do a little something about it. We don't have all the glittering gold.“ (TP 14)

These five test persons thus completely hide a central aspect of the statement and therefore answer only a part of the item.

In addition, four test persons doubt the underlying assumption of the item that not everything is at its best in Germany. There is also the view that everything is fine in Germany:

  • „The whole picture in Germany is great and outstanding, seen in this light everything is already 'at its best ‘.“ (TP 03)
  • „People in Germany are much better off than in other countries. That's a sign that we have made it far in our country.“ (TP 19)

The formulation of the item does not allow the test persons to express that, by and large, everything is fine in Germany.

In summary, the item should be modified in several places to ensure that the underlying construct (negative facet of national pride) is actually measured. Firstly, it is important to make it clear that this item is not about concrete effects on the welfare of the world, but rather about an abstract improvement of the overall situation. On the other hand, it must be made clear that respondents should not state for themselves whether they admit this or not, but that they should take Germany as a whole into account in their response. Finally, it should be made clear that the point of this item is that Germany concedes to other countries that not everything is for the best in this country either.


Reformulate in:
"The world would be a better place if Germany were to admit that not everything is for the best in this country.”
[„Die Welt wäre eine bessere, wenn Deutschland einräumen würde, dass hierzulande auch nicht alles zum Besten steht.“]