RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version)

Question Text:

On a scale from very easy to very difficult, how easy do you think it is…
[Auf einer Skala von sehr einfach bis sehr schwierig, wie einfach ist es Ihrer Meinung nach…]

Answer Categories:

Very difficult [Sehr schwer]
Rather difficult [Ziemlich schwer]
Rather easy [Ziemlich einfach]
Very easy [Sehr einfach]
Questions 75 and 80 were systematically tested, while only spontaneous reactions - if any - from the test persons were available for the other questions.

Findings on the question as a whole:


Test person AR01 states that the answer category "rather difficult" was translated in Arabic as "a little difficult" or "difficult in some way". The translator agrees that the answer categories should be checked again and translated slightly differently.


Test person FAR01 does not understand the introduction. The wording: "On a scale from very easy to very difficult, please answer the following questions" would be more understandable for them. The way the introduction is written ( easy do you think it is...), the subject assumes that she should only answer the easy questions.


In an interview with RUS02, the interpreter points out that the introduction is imprecisely translated, but does not explain why.

Cognitive Techniques:

General Probing, Specific Probing.
Item Text Actively tested

Item Text:

a) …to understand what your doctor is saying?
[…zu verstehen, was Ihr Arzt sagt?]


b) …to understand the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist regarding the use of the prescribed medication?
[…die Anweisungen Ihres Arztes oder Apothekers zur Einnahme der verschriebenen Medikamente zu verstehen?]

Item Text:

c) …to judge when you should get a second opinion from another doctor?
[…zu beurteilen, wann Sie eine zweite Meinung von einem anderen Arzt einholen sollten?]


In this question, the term "second opinion" should be reworded or the pro-cedure explained, as this terminology has led to problems of understanding for almost all test persons.

Item Text:

d) …to make decisions regarding your illness with the help of the information the doctor gives you?
[…mit Hilfe der Informationen, die Ihnen der Arzt gibt Entscheidungen bezüglich Ihrer Krankheit zu treffen?]


The difference to question 17d should be highlighted.
e) …to follow the instructions of your doctor or pharmacist?
[...den Anweisungen Ihres Arztes oder Apothekers zu folgen?]

Item Text:

f) …to find information about support possibilities for psychological problems such as stress or depression?
[…Informationen über Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten bei psychischen Problemen, wie Stress oder Depression, zu finden?]



Item Text:

g) …to understand health warnings about behaviour such as smoking, little exercise or excessive drinking?
[…Gesundheitswarnungen vor Verhaltensweisen, wie Rauchen, wenig Bewegung oder übermäßiges Trinken zu verstehen?]


This question leaves it open whether it is about German media or media in general, i.e. whether it is about language difficulties or media competence. We would therefore recommend deleting this question in this context.
h) …to understand why you need screening?
[…zu verstehen, warum Sie Vorsorgeuntersuchungen brauchen?]

Item Text:

i) …to assess whether the information on health risks in the media is trustworthy?
[…zu beurteilen, ob die Informationen über Gesundheitsrisiken in den Medien vertrauenswürdig sind?]

