Itemtext | Aktiv getestet |
Ich glaube, dass ich die wichtigsten politischen Themen in diesem Land verstehe.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
No changes recommended.
Befund zum Item:14 respondents “strongly agree“ or “somewhat agree“ with this statement, while only two respondents (ID 01, 07) “strongly disagree” or “somewhat disagree”.
The respondents mainly think of topics such as the refugee crisis, the environment, pension policy and TTIP while answering this item. Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Attitudes towards the political elite
Ja |
Nein |
Die meisten Politikerinnen und Politiker kümmern sich nicht um das Volk.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
Due to the finding that the phrase „sich um das Volk kümmern” (“care about the people“) is interpreted differently by different respondents, we recommend to modify the item:
"Most politicians are indifferent to the people’s opinion." [„Den meisten Politikerinnen und Politikern ist die Meinung des Volkes gleichgültig.“] Befund zum Item:Six respondents “strongly agree” or “somewhat agree”, while five respondents “somewhat disagree” with this item. Three respondents “neither disagree nor agree” (ID 03, 08, 11) and two respondents (ID 01, 13) answer “don’t know”.
On the other hand, those five respondents who do not agree with the statement have a positive attitude towards politicians and trust most of them:
Finally, the respondents were asked how they understood the phrase „sich um das Volk kümmern” (“care about the people“). Two kinds of interpretations emerge: Ten respondents think “caring about the people” means taking into account the will of the people (“Listening to the people, asking the people for their opinion. Responding to what the people want.”, respondent 04), whereas the remaining six respondents think of the preservation and enhancement of the welfare state (“To make sure, that the welfare state is maintained and performs as intended. For example, consider the pension system, where the inter-generation contract cannot be upheld. Or health insurance, taking steps to improve employee rights, and so on.”, ID 07). Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Attitudes towards the political elite
Ja |
Nein |
Die Politikerinnen und Politiker sind das Hauptproblem in Deutschland.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
No changes recommended.
Befund zum Item:Two problems emerge:
1. Respondent 01 (“somewhat agree”) misunderstands the question by assuming it means that politicians are needed in order to represent the people in taking care of the main problems.. 2. Respondent 07 (“neither agree nor disagree”) claims not to know what the main problem in Germany is and therefore is actually not able to answer the question. (“I don’t know what the main problem in Germany is, I wouldn’t be able to settle on one.”) Still, the respondent chooses the middle answer category instead of not answering the question (see also findings item a) and c)). The remaining 14 respondents either state (1) that they do believe politicians to be the main problem in Germany, as they ignore the will of the people (ID 04, 09), (2) that they do not believe politicians to be the main problem in Germany as there are different, more problematic issues such as the refugee crisis (ID 02, 04, 05, 06, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16) or (3) that they cannot pass a blanket judgement as there are politicians who show misconduct, while others try to do the right thing (ID 03, 08, 10) Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Attitudes towards the political elite
Ja |
Eine starke Führungspersönlichkeit in der Regierung zu haben ist gut für Deutschland, auch wenn diese sich nicht so genau an die Regeln hält um Dinge Vorwärts zu bringen.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
Due to the finding that the wording „auch wenn diese sich nicht so genau an Regeln hält um Dinge vorwärts zu bringen“ („bend the rules to get things done”) leaves room for interpretation and is understood as „violating the laws“ by some respondents, we recommend to modify the item:
„Having a strong leader in government is good for Germany, even if the leader now and then decides things single-handedly to get things done." ["Eine starke Führungspersönlichkeit in der Regierung zu haben ist gut für Deutschland, auch wenn diese ab und zu Dinge im Alleingang entscheidet, um sie voran zu bringen."] Befund zum Item:Six respondents “strongly agree“ (ID 10, 11) or “somewhat agree” (ID 01, 04, 07, 16) with this statement, while five respondents “somewhat disagree” (ID 02, 05) or “strongly disagree” (ID 03, 12, 15). Four respondents answer with “neither agree nor disagree” (ID 06, 08, 09, 14), while one respondent “doesn’t know” (ID 13).
In contrast, those respondents who do not agree with the statement argue that while a strong leader is of importance, abiding by the law is more important:
Those four respondents who “neither agree nor disagree“ believe that while a strong leader in the government is important, so is playing by the rules (“I do think it is important to have a strong leader, but at what cost? Bending the rules does bother me.”, ID 06) Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Attitudes towards the political elite
Ja |
Nein |
Nein |
Arme Menschen sollten in der Politik mehr Mitspracherecht haben.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
In order to avoid that respondents think of a preferential treatment for the
poor (i.e. a „poor people quota“) when answering this question, we recommend
to modify the item:
"The interests of poor people should better be represented in politics." [Die Interessen von armen Menschen sollten in der Politik stärker vertreten werden.“] Befund zum Item:Three respondents (ID 09, 10, 11) “somewhat agree“ or “strongly agree“ with this statement, twelve
respondents “somewhat disagree” or “strongly disagree” and one respondent (ID 08) “neither agrees
nor disagrees”.
Those who agree with the statement argue that a) those affected, e.g. pensioners, should have a greater voice when it comes to pension reforms (ID 09), b) there should be more referendums in general so that poor people can have as much of an impact as wealthy lobbyists (ID 10), and c), that the government should concentrate more on taking into account the concerns of the poor (ID 11). Respondent 08, who „neither agrees nor disagrees“ thought of actively holding a political office when answering the question and sees no significant difference in the access opportunities to politics between the rich and the poor: „I don’t completely understand the question. Are there differences in how easy it is for the poor and the rich to enter politics? Sure, the rich may have more opportunities just because of their better education. But other than that, I think that if someone wants to start a career in politics, in Germany, he or she can do so even without being wealthy.” (ID 08). Those respondents who disagree with the statement explain that poor people are also often poorly educated and therefore do have the necessary knowledge to decide on political matters competently (ID 03, 12, 15). Others think that neither poverty, nor any other criterion, should lead to preferential treatment (ID 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 07, 13, 14, 16):
Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Attitudes towards the political elite
Ja |