Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) Module 5 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The items were tested in German. These are English translations of the original German wordings. The translations do not correspond exactly to the formulations in the English CSES source questionnaire.*


Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements:
[Inwieweit stimmen Sie den folgenden Aussagen zu?]


INT.: Read answer categories aloud for the first three items, then as required. [INT.: Antwortkategorien für die ersten drei Items jedes Mal vorlesen, danach nur bei Bedarf.]


Strongly agree [Stimme voll und ganz zu]
Somewhat agree [Stimme eher zu]
Neither agree nor disagree [Weder noch]
Somewhat disagree [Stimme eher nicht zu]
Strongly disagree [Stimme überhaupt nicht zu]
Refused [Verweigert]
Don't know [Weiß nicht]
The respondents were also asked how they understood the answer option „weder noch” (“neither agree nor disagree”). Seven respondents think it is a sort of evasive option for those respondents who don’t care about the topic, do not have an opinion on it or cannot decide. Hence, they view it as a kind of “don’t know”-category. The remaining respondents interpret “weder noch” as “teils/teils” (“partially agree/partially disagree”), that is, as the answer option that those respondents would pick who partially agree and disagree with the statement. Two respondents (ID 05, 06) explicitly state that they would prefer the phrasing “teils/teils”, because “weder noch” would not fit in this context: “Weder noch is not correct here. Maybe partially understand? It is partially correct or I partially agree, something like that would be nice here. I know what ‘weder noch’ is supposed to mean, but it just does not sound right here.” (ID 06).

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

General Probing, Specific Probing, Comprehension Probing
Itemtext Aktiv getestet


a) You feel that you understand the most important political issues of this country.
[Ich glaube, dass ich die wichtigsten politischen Themen in diesem Land verstehe.]


No changes recommended.
b) In a democracy it is important to seek compromise among different viewpoints.
[In einer Demokratie ist es wichtig, Kompromisse zwischen verschiedenen Ansichten zu suchen.]


c) Most politicians do not care about the people.
[Die meisten Politikerinnen und Politiker kümmern sich nicht um das Volk.]


Due to the finding that the phrase „sich um das Volk kümmern” (“care about the people“) is interpreted differently by different respondents, we recommend to modify the item:

"Most politicians are indifferent to the people’s opinion."
[„Den meisten Politikerinnen und Politikern ist die Meinung des Volkes gleichgültig.“]
d) Most politicians are trustworthy.
[Die meisten Politikerinnen und Politiker sind vertrauenswürdig.]


e) Politicians are the main problem in Germany.
[Die Politikerinnen und Politiker sind das Hauptproblem in Deutschland.]


No changes recommended.


f) Having a strong leader in government is good for Germany even if the leader bends the rules to get things done.
[Eine starke Führungspersönlichkeit in der Regierung zu haben ist gut für Deutschland, auch wenn diese sich nicht so genau an die Regeln hält um Dinge Vorwärts zu bringen.]


Due to the finding that the wording „auch wenn diese sich nicht so genau an Regeln hält um Dinge vorwärts zu bringen“ („bend the rules to get things done”) leaves room for interpretation and is understood as „violating the laws“ by some respondents, we recommend to modify the item:

„Having a strong leader in government is good for Germany, even if the leader now and then decides things single-handedly to get things done."
["Eine starke Führungspersönlichkeit in der Regierung zu haben ist gut für Deutschland, auch wenn diese ab und zu Dinge im Alleingang entscheidet, um sie voran zu bringen."]
g) The people, and not politicians, should make our most important policy decisions.
[Das Volk, und nicht die Politikerinnen und Politiker, sollte unsere wichtigsten politischen Entscheidungen treffen.]
h) Most politicians care only about the interests of the rich and powerful.
[Die meisten Politikerinnen und Politiker kümmern sich nur um die Interessen der Reichen und Mächtigen.]


i) Poor people should have a greater voice in politics.
[Arme Menschen sollten in der Politik mehr Mitspracherecht haben.]


In order to avoid that respondents think of a preferential treatment for the poor (i.e. a „poor people quota“) when answering this question, we recommend to modify the item:

"The interests of poor people should better be represented in politics."
[Die Interessen von armen Menschen sollten in der Politik stärker vertreten werden.“]