

e) Politicians are the main problem in Germany. [Die Politikerinnen und Politiker sind das Hauptproblem in Deutschland.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

Two problems emerge:

1. Respondent 01 (“somewhat agree”) misunderstands the question by assuming it means that politicians are needed in order to represent the people in taking care of the main problems..

2. Respondent 07 (“neither agree nor disagree”) claims not to know what the main problem in Germany is and therefore is actually not able to answer the question. (“I don’t know what the main problem in Germany is, I wouldn’t be able to settle on one.”) Still, the respondent chooses the middle answer category instead of not answering the question (see also findings item a) and c)).

The remaining 14 respondents either state (1) that they do believe politicians to be the main problem in Germany, as they ignore the will of the people (ID 04, 09), (2) that they do not believe politicians to be the main problem in Germany as there are different, more problematic issues such as the refugee crisis (ID 02, 04, 05, 06, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16) or (3) that they cannot pass a blanket judgement as there are politicians who show misconduct, while others try to do the right thing (ID 03, 08, 10)


No changes recommended.