Itemtext | Aktiv getestet |
In Deutschland schaden internationale Konzerne zunehmend den Firmen vor Ort.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
To clarify the focus of the item and ideally reduce the number of "Don't know" answers, the item should be reworded:
“Large international corporations are increasingly harming small companies in Germany." [„Große internationale Konzerne schaden zunehmend den kleinen Unternehmen in Deutschland.“] Befund zum Item:A total of six test persons, spontaneously or when asked, stated that they did not have sufficient information or knowledge to answer this statement. Four of these test persons answer "Don't know" (TP 01, TP 03, TP 07, TP 13), two test persons (TP 09, TP 20) "Neither". For these last two subjects, the middle category acts as a hidden "Don't know" option.
Another test person (TP 06) spontaneously comments that it is unclear to her whether the statement refers to international corporations that also (i.e. additionally) operate in Germany or only to international corporations that are based abroad. Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Ja |
Nein |
Nein |
Internationale Organisationen nehmen der deutschen Regierung zu viel Macht weg.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
The term 'international organizations’ could be specified by listing examples (e.g. United Nations, World Trade Organization, European Union, European Central Bank):
“International organizations like [...] are taking too much power away from the German government.” [„Internationale Organisationen wie die […] nehmen der deutschen Regierung zu viel Macht weg.“] Befund zum Item:Four test subjects answer "Don't know" in this statement. Of these, two test persons (TP 01, TP 11) state that they do not have the knowledge to answer this question. The other two subjects (TP 09, TP 10) justify their answer by stating that it is unclear to them which organizations are meant in the statement:
Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Ja |
Ich fühle mich eher als Weltbürger und somit verbunden mit der Welt insgesamt und weniger als Bürger eines bestimmten Landes.Itemtext:Empfehlungen:
Reformulate into:
"I feel more connected to the world at large and less like a citizen of a particular country." [„Ich fühle mich eher mit der Welt insgesamt verbunden und weniger als Bürger eines bestimmten Landes.“] Befund zum Item:The test persons use the full range of scales.
The term "citizen of the world" is misinterpreted by three test persons in the sense of "multicultural society" or "world population" or understood as if one had a responsibility as a German to inform oneself about world events and to engage in civic engagement:
Since five of the six test persons who misinterpret the statement or with whom it remains unclear whether they have understood the item in the intended sense agree with the statement or answer "neither nor", there is a risk that this misinterpretation leads to a distortion of the answers and that the proportion of those who actually feel like "citizens of the world" is overestimated. Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Ja |