

a.) In Germany, international corporations are increasingly harming local companies. [In Deutschland schaden internationale Konzerne zunehmend den Firmen vor Ort.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

A total of six test persons, spontaneously or when asked, stated that they did not have sufficient information or knowledge to answer this statement. Four of these test persons answer "Don't know" (TP 01, TP 03, TP 07, TP 13), two test persons (TP 09, TP 20) "Neither". For these last two subjects, the middle category acts as a hidden "Don't know" option.

Another test person (TP 06) spontaneously comments that it is unclear to her whether the statement refers to international corporations that also (i.e. additionally) operate in Germany or only to international corporations that are based abroad.


To clarify the focus of the item and ideally reduce the number of "Don't know" answers, the item should be reworded:
“Large international corporations are increasingly harming small companies in Germany."
[„Große internationale Konzerne schaden zunehmend den kleinen Unternehmen in Deutschland.“]

Frage getestet:
