International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) 2015 (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The items were tested in German. These are English translations of the original German wordings. The translations do not correspond exactly to the formulations in the English ISSP source questionnaire.*


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
[Inwieweit stimmen Sie den folgenden Aussagen zu oder nicht zu?]


(Please make a cross in EVERY line!) [(Bitte machen Sie in JEDER Zeile ein Kreuz!)]


Strongly agree [Stimme voll und ganz zu]
Agree [Stimme zu]
Neither nor [Weder noch]
Disagree [Stimme nicht zu]
Strongly disagree [Stimme überhaupt nicht zu]
Don’t know [Kann ich nicht sagen]
One test person (TP 02) has difficulties in understanding the term "organization" in all three items of the question battery. According to her own statement, she does not interpret it as the equivalent of "company", but to the effect that she has to organize something herself in her work: "I understand organization to mean that I help with the production process or the planning of the day. I don't know that now." Because of this difficulty in understanding, for all three items this test person answers "I can't say."

Another subject (TP 08) states that he currently has two jobs (research assistant at a university, fitness trainer) and that he has to choose one of the two jobs when answering these items. In order to answer consistently, the respondent thinks of his second job (fitness trainer) in all three statements, but could just as well have thought of his first job or alternately of one of the two jobs.

With regard to the battery of questions as a whole, it is also noticeable that a test person (TP 10) thinks of different activities in his previous professional life when answering the three statements and not only of his current job. When answering statements a) and b), this test person thinks of his previous job as an insurance agent, but when answering statement c), he thinks of her current job as a cleaner in a bakery. In addition, four test persons (TP 03, TP 04, TP 09, TP 13) state that they did not interpret the three statements uniformly, but sometimes thought of the profession they had learned and sometimes of the company or the job they were doing.

Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:

General Probing, Specific Probing.
Itemtext Aktiv getestet


a) I am willing to work harder than I have to in order to contribute to the success of my company/ organization.
[Ich bin bereit, härter zu arbeiten als ich muss, um zum Erfolg meiner Firma/ Organisation beizutragen.]


We recommend adding the word "current" to this statement (see item c) to make it clear that the statement refers to current and not former employment. We also suggest that the subordinate clause be placed at the beginning of the sentence to prevent it from being ignored when answering the item. A possible formulation would be:

“To contribute to the success of my current company/organization, I am willing to work harder than I normally have to.” [„Um zum Erfolg meiner jetzigen Firma/Organisation beizutragen, bin ich bereit, härter zu arbeiten als ich normalerweise muss.“]


b) I am proud to work for my company/organization.
[Ich bin stolz darauf, für meine Firma/Organisation zu arbeiten.]


Again, we recommend adding the word "current" to the statement to make it clear that the statement refers to current and not former employment:

“I am proud to work for my current company/organization.” [„Ich bin stolz darauf, für meine jetzige Firma/Organisation zu arbeiten.“]


c) I would refuse another, better paid job to stay with my current company/organization.
[Ich würde eine andere, besser bezahlte Stelle ablehnen, um bei meiner jetzigen Firma/Organisation zu bleiben.]


We recommend avoiding the negative wording "reject" in this statement, as this causes difficulties in using the response scale. A possible reformulation would be:

“I would stay with my current company/organization, even if they offered me another, better-paid position." [„Ich würde bei meiner jetzigen Firma/Organisation bleiben, auch wenn man mir eine andere, besser bezahlte Stelle anbieten würde.“]