

c) I would refuse another, better paid job to stay with my current company/organization.[Ich würde eine andere, besser bezahlte Stelle ablehnen, um bei meiner jetzigen Firma/Organisation zu bleiben.]

Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:


Befund zum Item:

Three test persons (TP 02, TP 11, TP 14) answered with "Don’t know" and justified their answer with the fact that it depends on the respective circumstances whether one would refuse such a position or not. Several factors (and not only payment) would play a role here: "The statement is formulated too generally. There are certainly 1,000 other reasons why you would turn something down, and not just because the current company is so great. It depends on the individual case, the situation. For example, whether the head of the other company is good." (TP 14)

The remaining test persons agree (n = 5) and disagree (n = 7) with the statement in approximately equal parts. However, the questions of the test leaders made it clear that in this second group a total of three test persons (TP 03, TP 04, TP 09) had ticked off a "wrong" answer because of the negatively formulated item and the associated difficulty in expressing with the answer scale that they wanted to stay with the current company or felt comfortable with it, and actually wanted to answer "agree" instead of "disagree”:
  • “I'm walking to work in five minutes. I enjoy my job. And then for 2 or 3 euros more a month, I wouldn't drive an hour or so." (TP 03, disagree)
  • “Well, actually, I don't agree with that (that I would switch). It's going well at the moment and a better paid job, that would be a new challenge again and why not keep something that's going well?" (TP 04, disagree)
  • “I don't know how I would like to work somewhere else, that's the problem. Maybe I would improve financially, but maybe not in terms of the way I interact with people at work. You have to consider that." (TP 09, disagree)
Two other test persons (TP 07, TP 08) stated that they had difficulties in answering the statement due to its negative formulation:
  • “No, I would stay with my company. "Reject"...? So I have to agree here, right? I agree to disagree? Yes, that's right.“ (TP 07)
  • “I had to read that statement twice. I would have simply formulated the statement differently. I would always phrase it positively, instead of "reject" then "accept". Like "I would accept another, better paid job to make more money or to have advantages over my current company.“ (TP 08)
With the exception of test person 02 and test person 04, all test persons state on request that they thought of their company or organization when answering the statement.


We recommend avoiding the negative wording "reject" in this statement, as this causes difficulties in using the response scale. A possible reformulation would be:

“I would stay with my current company/organization, even if they offered me another, better-paid position." [„Ich würde bei meiner jetzigen Firma/Organisation bleiben, auch wenn man mir eine andere, besser bezahlte Stelle anbieten würde.“]