1. General Information: *Note: The items were tested in German. These are English translations of the original German wordings. The translations do not correspond exactly to the formulations in the English PIAAC source questionnaire.*
  2. Introduction: Let us now come to some questions regarding the equipment of your household.
    [Kommen wir nun zu einigen Fragen bezüglich der Ausstattung Ihres Haushaltes.]
  3. Question Text: How many of the following things are there in your home?
    [Wie viele der folgenden Dinge gibt es bei Ihnen zu Hause?]
  4. Instruction: (INT.: Read all out loud. Only one answer alternative per query) [(INT.: Alles vorlesen. Nur eine Antwortalternative pro Abfrage)]
  5. Answer Categories

    None [Keines]

    One [Eins]

    Two [Zwei]

    Three or more [Drei oder mehr]

  6. Findings/Recommendations for Multi-Item Scale:

    1. Cognitive Techniques:information image/link zu cognitive pretesting Comprehension Probing, Specific Probing.


Item Text Item Tested
a. Television [Fernseher]
b. Computer (Desktop, laptop or notebook) [Computer (Desktop, Laptop oder Notebook)]
c. Tablet computer, e.g. iPad or a corresponding tablet from other manufacturers [Tablet-Computer, z.B. iPad oder ein entsprechendes Tablet anderer Hersteller]
d. E-Book-Reader, e.g. Kindle, Tolino or similar products [E-Book-Reader, z.B. Kindle, Tolino oder ähnliche Produkte]