RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version)


The following questions deal with difficulties that may arise due to health problems. Health problems include illnesses that can be long or short lasting, injuries, mental or emotional problems, and drug or alcohol problems.
Think back to the last four weeks and answer the following questions in terms of how much difficulty you have had in carrying out the following activities. Please mark only one answer for each question.
[In den folgenden Fragen geht es um Schwierigkeiten, die aufgrund von Gesundheitsproblemen entstehen können. Gesundheitsprobleme beinhalten Krankheiten, die lang oder kurz andauernd sein können, Verletzungen, mentale oder emotionale Probleme sowie Drogen- oder Alkoholprobleme.
Denken Sie an die letzten vier Wochen zurück und beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen im Hinblick darauf, wie viele Schwierigkeiten Sie bei der Durchführung der nachfolgenden Aktivitäten hatten. Kreuzen Sie bei jeder Frage bitte nur eine Antwort an.]

Question Text:

How many difficulties have you had in the last four weeks?
[Wie viele Schwierigkeiten hatten Sie in den letzten vier Wochen?]

Answer Categories:

None [Keine]
Low [Geringe]
Moderate [Mäßig]
Strong [Starke]
Very strong/not possible [Sehr starke/nicht möglich]
Questions 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 were systematically tested, while the other questions were only answered spontaneously, if at all.


The interpreter notes that the connection between the introductory text "How many difficulties have you had in the last four weeks" and the items, e.g. "To concentrate on something for 10 minutes?" is "inelegantly solved" in the Serbian translation and therefore not clear.


Test person AR01 points out that the answer category "None" in the Arabic questionnaire was translated as "No", which means that the translation here is not quite correct.


The test persons FAR01, FAR02, RUS01, RUS02 and SER02 did not answer this block of questionnaires because the questionnaire had to be shortened after the first four interviews in order to keep the duration of the interviews within reasonable limits.

Cognitive Techniques:

General Probing, Specific Probing, Emergent Probing.
Item Text Actively tested

Item Text:

a) To focus on something for 10 minutes?
[Sich für 10 Minuten auf etwas zu konzentrieren?]


[See recommendations for total question 3]
b) To walk a longer distance (about one kilometre)?
[Eine längere Strecke (ca. einen Kilometer) zu Fuß zu gehen?]

Item Text:

c) To wash your entire body?
[Ihren gesamten Körper zu waschen?]


[See recommendations for total question 3]
d) To get dressed?
[Sich anzuziehen?]

Item Text:

e) In dealing with people you do not know?
[Im Umgang mit Personen, die Sie nicht kennen?]


[See recommendations for total question 3]

Item Text:

f) To maintain a friendship?
[Eine Freundschaft aufrechtzuerhalten?]


[See recommendations for total question 3]

Item Text:

g) In coping with your work/school routine?
[Bei der Bewältigung Ihres Arbeits-/Schulalltags?]


[See recommendations for total question 3]