Translation of established public health measurement instruments into Arabic and Dari (ENSURE) (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: The Dari and Arabic translation of the items were tested. These are English translations of the original German source items.*

Question Text:

To what extent did you experience the following troubles during the last four weeks?
[In welchem Ausmaß traten bei Ihnen während der letzten vier Wochen die folgenden Beschwerden auf?]

Answer Categories:

Not at all [Überhaupt nicht]
Little [Wenig]
Moderate [Moderat]
Quite [Ziemlich]
Extreme [Extrem]
Not specified [Keine Angabe]
Introductory question text) What do the test persons understand by the word "troubles"?

In the run-up to the pretest, concern was expressed on the part of the translators that the translation of the word for "troubles," especially in the Dari translation, might be misleading. However, none of the test persons spontaneously commented on the question text, showed signs of confusion, or were bothered by it. After completing the battery of questions, the test persons were asked what they understood by the word "troubles". Two test persons stated that troubles were what was listed in the individual items (SY03, SY06), and two others defined troubles solely in terms of examples given in the matrix (IR05, DA06). Four test persons defined troubles as reactions to negative events that happen to you from the outside (IR01, IR02), that can surprise you (SY01), or that can affect your everyday life (DA01). One test person explained that troubles include everything that lead to the fact that one is not free of troubles and thus cannot feel lightheartedness (DA03).

Four test persons stated that troubles included physical as well as psychological or emotional aspects (SY02, IR05, DA03, DA06) or concerned general well-being (DA05). The physical aspects mentioned included troubles of illness in general (SY02), (head) pain (SY04, IR05, DA06), and physical exhaustion (SY05). Regarding the psychological aspects of "troubles," sadness (SY03, IR05), being sad (DA06) or having to cry quickly (IR05), loneliness (DA02), depression (IR05), depressed (SY03), or pressure (SY02) were mentioned.

The test person who had received the uncorrected Arabic-language questionnaire without the question text (IR03) had answered the items without any visible problems, and the missing question text only became apparent when asked about it.

In summary, the question text was well understood by all test persons and no differences were found by language or country of origin.

Other findings

One test person initially had problems understanding the matrix format of the question (DA06). She initially answered only the introduction and stated how much she had suffered from troubles in the last four weeks. This led to a spontaneous exchange between the test person and the interpreter, who pointed out to the test person that she should only answer the individual statements.

Cognitive Techniques:

Comprehension Probing, Category Selection Probing, Specific Probing, Emergent Probing
Item Text Actively tested

Item Text:

Feeling unhappy, sad or depressed most of the time (2)
[Sich die meiste Zeit unglücklich, traurig oder deprimiert fühlen (2)]


We recommend splitting the item into two items, one asking about "unhappy or sad" and the other asking about "depressed" or "down":
“I felt unhappy or sad.” [„Ich fühlte mich unglücklich oder traurig.“]
“I felt depressed/down.” [„Ich fühlte mich deprimiert/niedergeschlagen.“]

Item Text:

Feeling restless, unable to sit still (8)
[Sich ruhelos fühlen, nicht stillsitzen können (8)]


In order to standardize the item formulations, we recommend the following wording:
“I felt restless, could not sit still.” [„Ich fühlte mich ruhelos, konnte nicht stillsitzen.“]

Item Text:

Cry easily (9)
[Leicht weinen zu müssen(9)]


We recommend formulating the item in such a way that it is clear that it is not a general disposition to cry, but a deviation from the general condition:
“I cried quickly, even without a special occasion.” [„Ich weinte schnell, auch ohne besonderen Anlass.“]

Item Text:

Reliving a trauma (emotional injury) from the past; behaving or feeling as if it were happening again now (10)
[Ein Trauma (seelische Verletzung) aus der Vergangenheit wieder zu erleben; mich zu verhalten oder zu fühlen, als würde es jetzt wieder passieren (10)]


For better comprehensibility and in accordance with the goal of standardization, we recommend formulating the item in the first person and shortening the text:
“I was reliving a trauma (emotional injury) from the past, i.e., it felt like it was happening now.” [„Ich erlebte ein Trauma (seelische Verletzung) aus der Vergangenheit wieder, d. h, es fühlte sich an, als würde es jetzt passieren.“]

Item Text:

Feeling emotionally numb (for example, feeling sad but not being able to cry, not being able to feel loving feelings) (12)
[Mich emotional taub gefühlt (zum Beispiel traurig fühlen, aber nicht weinen können, keine liebevollen Gefühle empfinden können) (12)]


We recommend formulating the item in the first person to make the explanation of "emotionally numb" easier to understand:
“I felt emotionally numb (for example, I felt sad but couldn't cry, or had a hard time feeling loving emotions).” [„Ich fühlte mich emotional taub (zum Beispiel fühlte ich mich traurig, konnte aber nicht weinen, oder fiel es mir schwer, liebevolle Gefühle zu empfinden).“]