Itemtext | Aktiv getestet |
dass alle Bürger einen ausreichenden Lebensstandard habenItemtext:Empfehlungen:
No changes recommended.
Befund zum Item:A respondent claims not to be able to answer item a) ("Can't say") and justifies his answer by saying that it is unclear to him what is meant by a "sufficient" standard of living. Her answer would be different depending on whether a sufficient standard of living meant that one "receives Hartz IV" or that everyone "has their own apartment or house".
Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Attitudes towards democratic rights
Ja |
Nein |
Nein |
dass Bürger die Möglichkeit des zivilen Ungehorsams haben, um ihre deutliche Ablehnung gegenüber Regierungsentscheidungen zum Ausdruck zu bringenItemtext:Empfehlungen:
Rephrase in:
"that citizens have the possibility of non-violent protest to express their clear opposition to government decisions." [„dass Bürger die Möglichkeit des gewaltlosen Protests haben, um ihre deutliche Ablehnung gegenüber Regierungsentscheidungen zum Ausdruck zu bringen.“] Or shorter and easier to understand for the respondents: "that citizens have the possibility of non-violent protest against government decisions." [„dass Bürger die Möglichkeit des gewaltlosen Protests gegenüber Regierungsentscheidungen haben.“] Befund zum Item:This item is predominantly classified as important or very important (n=16). Three test persons give the average value and one test person classifies the item as "rather not important".
The probing question of what the test subjects understand by the term 'civil disobedience' revealed that four other test subjects had difficulties in understanding the item. The main reason for this was that it was not clear to the test persons whether the term refers only to violent protest or also includes violent protests:
Test person 12 notes that your answer ("important", scale value 6) is only valid if the statement is about non-violent protest.
Two test persons clearly misinterpret the term:
Due to this misinterpretation, these two test persons state that this right is rather not important for people in a democracy (scale values 3 and 4). The remaining ten testpersons interpret the term civil disobedience mainly as non-violent protest and understand it to mean forms of protest such as strikes and demonstrations. Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Attitudes towards democratic rights
Ja |
Nein |
dass Menschen, die wegen schwerer Verbrechen verurteilt wurden, ihre Bürgerrechte verlierenItemtext:Empfehlungen:
The term "civil rights" should be specified by using several items each dealing with one civil right, for example:
1. "that people convicted of serious crimes lose the right to vote." [„dass Menschen, die wegen schwerer Verbrechen verurteilt wurden, das Wahlrecht verlieren.“] 2. "that people convicted of serious crimes lose the right to petition." [„dass Menschen, die wegen schwerer Verbrechen verurteilt wurden, das Petitionsrecht verlieren.“] 3. "..." etc. Befund zum Item:Four subjects (TP 05, TP 07, TP 10, TP 13) indicate that they have difficulty finding the correct scale value to express that they do not want "people to lose their civil rights“:
Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Attitudes towards democratic rights
Ja |
dass Menschen, die schon lange in einem Land leben, aber dort nicht eingebürgert sind, das Recht haben, bei nationalen Wahlen abzustimmenItemtext:Empfehlungen:
Rephrase in:
"that people who have lived in a country for a long time but are not naturalized there have the right to vote in nationwide elections. [„dass Menschen, die schon lange in einem Land leben, aber dort nicht eingebürgert sind, das Recht haben, bei landesweiten Wahlen abzustimmen.“] Befund zum Item:The test persons use the entire scale width. Only one test person (TP 03) answers with "Can't say" and justifies his answer by saying that he wants to abstain from this statement.
The term "national elections" is not interpreted by the test persons in the intended sense (national elections in different countries), but in the sense of "elections within Germany". The test persons think of very different elections (or combinations of elections). They are called the Bundestag elections (4 nominations), Bundestag and local elections (4 nominations), Bundestag and state elections (4 nominations), Bundestag and European elections (1 nomination), district or local elections (2 nominations) and all elections in Germany (5 nominations) The choices made in Germany are the frame of reference for the respondents when answering the item, although this is not necessarily means that the Answers of the test persons are only valid for Germany. The interviews do not provide any indications that the test persons have a different attitude to voting rights in other countries (see findings on the question as a whole). Problematic, however, is the finding that three test persons explicitly think of local elections and not national (i.e. nationwide) elections when answering the item. Their answers would be quite different if they were to interpret the item in the intended sense:
Thema der Frage:
Politik/ Einstellungen, Bewertungen & Ideologien
Konstrukt:Attitudes towards democratic rights
Ja |
Nein |
Nein |