Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:
Befund zum Item:
This item is predominantly classified as important or very important (n=16). Three test persons give the average value and one test person classifies the item as "rather not important".
When answering statement d), four test persons spontaneously express difficulties in understanding the concept of civil disobedience:
- "It's a bit complicated. What does that mean? You know what 'civil' and 'disobedient' is, but now in this context? What does it mean?" (TP 01)
- "What is meant by 'civil disobedience'?" (TP 07)
- "I would now understand that they will be allowed to demonstrate. Is that what you mean?" (TP 11)
- "How is civil disobedience defined?" (TP 12)
The probing question of what the test subjects understand by the term 'civil disobedience' revealed that four other test subjects had difficulties in understanding the item. The main reason for this was that it was not clear to the test persons whether the term refers only to violent protest or also includes violent protests:
- „It's really hard. I've been thinking about demonstrations or maybe collecting signatures in general. But I wonder if that's civil disobedience already? I wouldn't know if civil disobedience means that something is forbidden or if it's just a legal rebellion against a political decision.“ (TP 06)
- „I've become attached to the term. I found it difficult to formulate, because I thought, what is hidden behind it or what would I understand by it? What I had in mind was the right of assembly, demonstrations. That one should demonstrate in a civilian setting, i.e. peacefully and without violence, for example.“ (TP 08)
- „Civil disobedience ranges from destruction to house occupation. Destruction: no, squatting and protest rallies: yes. Maybe I am naive, but I would like it to be so that others are not harmed and that no property is destroyed. Randale is not one of them for me, so the answer is very difficult for me. Where is the border?“ (TP 12)
Test person 12 notes that your answer ("important", scale value 6) is only valid if the statement is about non-violent protest.
- „I think of Stuttgart 21, of demonstrations. There are different kinds of 'civil disobedience'. For example, one can take part in non-violent demonstrations or in those where there is serious rioting. That's why I'm lying in the middle. I am already in favour of the citizens being able to, or should, exercise the right to demonstrate, which is a fundamental right. But I reject violent demonstrations on principle.“ (TP 15)
Two test persons clearly misinterpret the term:
- „That you might be a criminal? Not doing your job?“ (TP 03)
- „Sounds to me like this isn't about demonstration. Civil disobedience, that's something you do against the law. And I don't think that's so okay now. Smashing windows or something or demolishing cars, in anger or in protest.“ (TP 13)
Due to this misinterpretation, these two test persons state that this right is rather not important for people in a democracy (scale values 3 and 4). The remaining ten testpersons interpret the term civil disobedience mainly as non-violent protest and understand it to mean forms of protest such as strikes and demonstrations.
The difficulties that arise in answering statement d) due to the concept of "civil disobedience" are also illustrated by the fact that half of the test persons (n=10) state that they found it "rather difficult" or "very difficult" to answer the statement due to the concept of "rather difficult" or "very difficult".
"that citizens have the possibility of non-violent protest to express their clear opposition to government decisions."
[„dass Bürger die Möglichkeit des gewaltlosen Protests haben, um ihre deutliche Ablehnung gegenüber Regierungsentscheidungen zum Ausdruck zu bringen.“]
Or shorter and easier to understand for the respondents:
"that citizens have the possibility of non-violent protest against government decisions."
[„dass Bürger die Möglichkeit des gewaltlosen Protests gegenüber Regierungsentscheidungen haben.“]