A Ranking Measure of Life Satisfaction (RankMe) (English Version) - Cognitive Online-Pretest
The research project "A Ranking Measure of Life Satisfaction (RankMe)" examines the extent to which the previous method of measuring life satisfaction in the form of level queries allows consistent statements to be made about the ranking of life circumstances.
The subject of this pretest are two questions on life satisfaction, which were tested in an online cognitive pretest via web probing.
*Note: The items were tested in German. The items documented here are English translations of the original German wordings.*
Neuert, C. & Lenzner, T. (2014): A Ranking Measure of Life Satisfaction (RankMe) (English Version). Cognitive Online-Pretest. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Frage-Nr. | Pretestergebnisse | Typ | Konstrukt |
1 | Hat sich Ihr Leben Ihrer Meinung nach in den letzten 12 Monaten insgesamt verbessert oder verschlechtert? Bewerten Sie die Veränderungen aus heutiger Sicht. | Einzelfrage | Life satisfaction |
2 | Hat sich Ihr Leben Ihrer Meinung nach in den folgenden Bereichen in den letzten 12 Monaten verbessert oder verschlechtert? Bewerten Sie die Veränderungen aus heutiger Sicht. | Multi-Item-Skala | Life satisfaction |
Anzahl Testpersonen:
Auswahl und Merkmale der Testpersonen:
Quota sampling. The test persons were recruited from the online panel "GESIS Online Panel Pilot”. A total of 100 test persons were invited to the survey, whereby we assumed a completion rate of about 70 to 80 percent. In the end 82 test persons participated in the survey.
The test persons were selected according to the quotas age (18 - 40 years; 41 years and older), school education (advanced technical college entrance qualification/A-levels; no A-levels) and gender.
Feldzeit des Pretests:
Web Probing
Use of an online questionnaire with additional open and closed-ended probing questions.
5 Euro (for the entire online questionnaire which took about 20 minutes to complete).
The research project "A Ranking Measure of Life Satisfaction (RankMe)" examines the extent to which the previous method of measuring life satisfaction in the form of level queries allows consistent statements to be made about the ranking of life circumstances. The latter is based on the previously untested assumption that the numerical answers of different years and individuals are directly comparable. The questions tested in this study are intended to enable a direct comparison of two concrete life circumstances by the same person. This allows to check the robustness and validity of conventional life satisfaction measures.
As an empirical basis for answering these questions, two questions on life satisfaction will be included in a wave of the GESIS panel in spring 2015.
Uni Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Grischa Perino