RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version) - Cognitive Pretest


RESPOND is a research project of the Department of General Medicine and Health Services Research at Heidelberg University Hospital. The aim of the project is to provide the necessary scientific evidence to make care structures for asylum seekers more effective, more efficient, and more appropriate to their needs.
This pretest focuses on questions concerning the state of health, access to care, quality of care, and health literacy.
The questions were tested via face-to-face cognitive interviews in Serbian, Arabic, Farsi, Russian and English. Simultaneous interpreters were added to the interviews via video conferencing.


Hadler, P., Neuert, C., Lenzner, T., Stiegler, A., Sarafoglou, A., Bous, P., Reisepatt, N., & Menold, N. (2017): RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version). Cognitive Pretest. GESIS Project Reports. Version: 1.0. GESIS - Pretestlab. Text.

Pretesting Results Type Construct
1 What is your general state of health?
[Wie ist Ihr Gesundheitszustand im Allgemeinen?]
Single Question General Health
2 Do you have a chronic illness or a long-standing health problem?
[Haben Sie eine chronische Krankheit oder ein seit langem bestehendes gesundheitliches Problem?]
Single Question Evaluation of own health
3 How many difficulties have you had in the last four weeks?
[Wie viele Schwierigkeiten hatten Sie in den letzten vier Wochen?]
Multi-Item Scale Difficulties due to health problems
4 How would you rate your quality of life?
[Wie würden Sie Ihre Lebensqualität beurteilen?]
Single Question Quality of life, overall (QoL)
5 How satisfied are you with your health?
[Wie zufrieden sind Sie mit Ihrer Gesundheit?]
Single Question Quality of Life, general health (QoL)
6 Do you have enough energy for daily life?
[Haben Sie genug Energie für das tägliche Leben?]
Single Question Quality of Life, energy (QoL)
7 Please think about how you felt in the past two weeks and tick the ones that apply most to you.
[Bitte überlegen Sie, wie Sie sich in den vergangenen zwei Wochen gefühlt haben und kreuzen Sie an, was für Sie am ehesten zutrifft.]
Multi-Item Scale Quality of Life (QoL) - daily life activities, esteem, relationships
8 When did you visit one of the following doctors for advice, examination or treatment the last time?
[Wann waren Sie zuletzt bei einem der folgenden Ärzte, um sich selbst beraten, untersuchen oder behandeln zu lassen?]
Multi-Item Scale Medical care
9 How much money have you spent in the last four weeks on your own visits to general practitioners, primary care physician or specialists?
[Wie viel Geld haben Sie in den letzten vier Wochen für Ihre eigenen Besuche bei Allgemeinmedizinern, Hausärzten oder Fachärzten ausgegeben?]
Single Question Spendings medical care
10 Has it happened once or several times in the last 12 months that you urgently needed an examination by a general practitioner but did not make use of it?
[Kam es in den letzten 12 Monaten einmal oder mehrmals vor, dass Sie dringend eine Untersuchung durch einen Allgemeinmediziner gebraucht hätten, diese aber nicht in Anspruch genommen haben?]
Single Question Non-use of medical examinations
11 What was the most important reason for you not to see the general practitioner?
[Was war für Sie der wichtigste Grund, den Allgemeinmediziner nicht aufzusuchen?]
Single Question Non-use of medical examinations
12 Have you taken any medication prescribed by a doctor in the last 2 weeks?
[Haben Sie in den letzten 2 Wochen Medikamente eingenommen, die Ihnen von einem Arzt verschrieben wurden?]
Single Question Taking of prescriptive medication
13 How much money did you have to pay for these drugs yourself?
[Wie viel Geld mussten Sie selbst für diese Medikamente bezahlen?]
Single Question Financing medical care
14 In the last 12 months, how often have you skipped, postponed or stopped taking your medication due to cost?
[Wie oft haben Sie in den letzten 12 Monaten die Einnahme Ihrer Medikamente aufgrund von Kosten ausgelassen, verschoben oder beendet?]
Single Question Financial burden of medical care
15 How often do you have financial difficulties due to expenses for your health care?
[Wie oft haben Sie finanzielle Schwierigkeiten aufgrund von Ausgaben für Ihre gesundheitliche Versorgung?]
Single Question Financial burden of medical care
16 Over the past 12 months, have you reduced your spending on basic needs such as food and clothing to cover your health costs?
[Haben Sie in den letzten 12 Monaten Ihre Ausgaben für Grundbedürfnisse wie Lebensmittel und Kleidung verringert, um Ihre gesundheitlichen Kosten decken zu können?]
Single Question Financial dimension of medical care
17 We would like to know more about your experience with health care in Germany. Please remember your last visit to a doctor or other medical provider. Please rate at this last visit...
[Wir möchten gerne mehr über Ihre Erfahrung mit der Gesundheitsversorgung in Deutschland wissen. Bitte denken Sie an Ihren letzten Besuch bei einem Arzt oder einem anderen medizinischen Versorger. Bitte bewerten Sie bei diesem letzten Besuch…]
Multi-Item Scale Health system responsiveness (a) Prompt attention, b) Dignity, c) Communication, d) Autonomy, e) Confidentiality, f) Choice)
18 On a scale from very easy to very difficult, how easy do you think it is…
[Auf einer Skala von sehr einfach bis sehr schwierig, wie einfach ist es Ihrer Meinung nach…]
Multi-Item Scale Health competence
19 What is your citizenship?
[Was ist Ihre Staatsangehörigkeit?]
Single Question Citizenship
20 What is your native language?
[Was ist Ihre Muttersprache?]
Single Question Native language
21 What is your highest general school leaving certificate?
[Welchen höchsten allgemeinbildenden Schulabschluss haben Sie?]
Single Question Highest general school leaving certificate
22 What is your current residence status in Germany?
[Was ist Ihr aktueller Aufenthaltsstatus in Deutschland?]
Single Question Current residence status
23 We have a scale here that runs from top to bottom. If you think of yourself: Where would you place yourself on this scale?
[Wir haben hier eine Skala, die von oben nach unten verläuft.
 Wenn Sie an sich selbst denken: Wo würden Sie sich auf dieser Skala einordnen?]
Single Question Assessment of class affiliation (country of residence)
24 We have a scale here that runs from top to bottom. If you think of yourself before you left your country: where would you place yourself on that scale?
[Wir haben hier eine Skala, die von oben nach unten verläuft. Wenn Sie an sich selbst denken, bevor Sie Ihr Land verlassen haben: Wo würden Sie sich auf dieser Skala einordnen?]
Single Question Assessment of class affiliation (country of origin)

Number of Participants:


Selection of Target Population/Quotas:

A total of 9 cognitive interviews were conducted with asylum-seekers over 18 years of age who are accommodated in initial reception centres or in collective accommodation in cities and municipalities.
The aim was to invite at least two persons per language.
The test persons were selected and recruited by the client: A quota plan based on socio-demographic variables such as gender, age or educational level was not possible

Test Date:


Number of cognitive interviewers:


Pretests conducted in the lab (video-recorded):


Pretests conducted via phone or externally (audio-recorded):


Survey mode:


Pretest mode:



The questions to be tested were available to the test persons in their native language. The cognitive interview protocol for conducting the interviews was available in German and English. The interviews in Arabic, Farsi, Serbian and Russian were conducted in German and the communication between interviewer and test person was ensured by simultaneous interpreters who translated both the interviewer's questions and the respondent's answers. The cognitive interviews in English were conducted without simultaneous interpreters.

Incentive for respondents:

30 Euros

Project Description:

Increasing international refugee flows present the German health care system with the challenge of ensuring adequate care for this population group. The system response in the area of care for asylum seekers is determined by international, national and federal regulations and is often characterized by underuse, overuse and misuse.

The BMBF-funded project "RESPOND" was launched to improve the system response in the long term. The aim of the project is to develop and evaluate measures that overcome individual and organizational barriers to effective care in the light of legal framework conditions. On the one hand, this should improve the system response, i.e. become more effective, more efficient and more demand-oriented. On the other hand, they should lead to an improvement in health-related target variables for asylum seekers.
In order to address the project aims, a cross-sectional study will be conducted to assess the health status, access to care, quality of care and health literacy of asylum seekers in different settings. A standardized questionnaire will be used in all settings. < In preparation for the survey, selected parts of the questionnaire in different languages (Serbian, Arabic, Farsi, Russian, English) will be subjected to a cognitive pretest under methodological and questionnaire-related aspects and revised based on the test results.



University Hospital Heidelberg
Louise Bartelt and Kayvan Bozorgmehr
Pretest Report (German): Link mit Abbildung für pdf Datei Download
Pretest Report (English): Link mit Abbildung für pdf Datei Download Citation: Hadler, P., Neuert, C., Lenzner, T., Stiegler, A., Sarafoglou, A., Bous, P., Reisepatt, N., & Menold, N. (2017): RESPOND - Improving regional health system responses to the challenges of migration through tailored interventions for asylum-seekers and refugees (English Version). Cognitive Pretest. GESIS Project Reports. Version: 1.0. GESIS - Pretestlab. Text.