Pretesting of special module on ICT at work, working conditions & learning digital skills (English Version) - Cognitive Online Pretest


The Community survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals is an annual survey conducted since 2002, collecting data on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), the internet, e-government and electronic skills in households and by individuals.
The subject of this pretest is a module on ICT at work, working conditions and learning digital skills that should be featured in the 2018 survey.
The questions were tested in a cognitive online pretest via web probing.

*Note: The items were tested both in English and German.*


Meitinger, K., Neuert, C., Beitz, C., & Menold, N. (2016): Pretesting of special module on ICT at work, working conditions & learning digital skills (English Version). Cognitive Online Pretest. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

