German Internet Panel (GIP) – Module “Inflation” November Wave 2014 (English Version) - Cognitive Online-Pretest


The German Internet Panel (GIP) is part of the collaborative research center 884 “The Political Economy of Reforms“ (CRC 884) at the University of Mannheim.
In preparation of a sub-module about “inflation“ for the panel-wave in November 2014, some questions were tested in an online-pretest from a methodological angle to potentially improve them.
The questions were tested in a cognitive online pretest via web probing.

*Note: The items were tested in German. The items documented here are English translations of the original German wordings.*


Lenzner, T., & Soiné, H. (2014): German Internet Panel (GIP) – Module “Inflation” November Wave 2014 (English Version). Cognitive Online-Pretest. GESIS Project Reports. Version: 1.0. GESIS - Pretestlab. Text.

Pretesting Results Type Construct
1 Currently, that is in July 2014, a person spends 1.500 Euro per month on food and clothes.
What is your estimate: how much is this person going to spend on the same foods and clothes in July 2015?
Please assume that neither the person's living conditions nor his or her consumer behavior is going to change, that is, he or she will purchase similar products and services as today.
[Eine Person bezahlt aktuell, also im Juli 2014, 1.500 Euro pro Monat für Lebensmittel und Kleidung.
Was schätzen Sie: Wie viel Euro wird diese Person für die gleichen Lebensmittel und die gleiche Kleidung im Juli 2015 bezahlen?
Gehen Sie bitte davon aus, dass sich weder die Lebensumstände, noch das Konsumverhalten der Person verändern wird, d.h. sie wird in 12 Monaten ähnliche Produkte und Dienstleistungen im gleichen Umfang wie derzeit nutzen.]
Single Question Expected change of costs due to inflation
2 In question 1, you said that a person is going to spend [XXXX] EUR on food and clothing in July 2015. This amount corresponds to an inflation rate of [X] percent.
Now, if you take into account the ECB's expectations, what do you estimate: how much euros will this person pay for the same food and clothing in July 2015?
Please assume that neither the person's living conditions nor his or her consumer behavior is going to change, that is, he or she will purchase similar products and services as today.
[In Frage 1 haben Sie angegeben, dass eine Person im Juli 2015 [XXXX] EUR für Lebensmittel und Kleidung ausgeben wird. Dieser Betrag entspricht einer jährlichen Inflationsrate von [X] Prozent.
Wenn Sie nun die Erwartungen der EZB berücksichtigen, was schätzen Sie: Wie viel Euro wird diese Person für die gleichen Lebensmittel und die gleiche Kleidung im Juli 2015 bezahlen?
Gehen Sie bitte davon aus, dass sich weder die Lebensumstände, noch das Konsumverhalten der Person verändern wird, d.h. sie wird in 12 Monaten ähnliche Produkte und Dienstleistungen im gleichen Umfang wie derzeit nutzen.]
Single Question Expected changes of costs due to inflation under consideration of the ECB
3 What annual inflation rate do you expect in 5 years?
[Mit welcher jährlichen Inflationsrate rechnen Sie in 5 Jahren?]
Single Question Estimation of the inflation rate in 5 years
4 What annual inflation rate do you expect in 10 years?
[Mit welcher jährlichen Inflationsrate rechnen Sie in 10 Jahren?]
Single Question Estimation of the inflation rate in 10 years
5 In question 2 you read the following information:
Condition 1: The inflation expectations for the euro zone coincide with the aim of the European Central Bank to keep price increase at a reasonable level.
Condition 2: The inflation expectations for the euro zone coincide with the aim of the European Central Bank to keep price increase at approximately 2 percent.
How detailed do you find this information to be?
[In Frage 2 haben Sie folgende Informationen gelesen:
Bedingung 1: Die Inflationserwartung für die Eurozone deckt sich mit dem Ziel der Europäischen Zentralbank, die Preissteigerung auf angemessenem Niveau zu halten.
Bedingung 2: Die Inflationserwartung für die Eurozone deckt sich mit dem Ziel der Europäischen Zentralbank, die Preissteigerung nahe 2 Prozent zu halten.
Für wie detailliert halten Sie diese Information?]
Single Question Detailedness of the conditions (Question 2)
6 What do you think, how well does the ECB do in keeping prices stable?
[Wie erfüllt die EZB Ihrer Meinung nach die Aufgabe, die Preise stabil zu halten?]
Single Question Price stability of the ECB
7 Which combination of price and loan repayment would you personally prefer?
[Welche Kombination von Preis und Kreditrückzahlung würden Sie persönlich bevorzugen?]
Single Question Preference of the combination of price and loan repayment
8 How often do you watch or read the news?
[Wie oft schauen oder lesen Sie Nachrichten?]
Single Question Frequencies of watching/reading news
9 How often do you watch or read news about economic issues?
[Wie oft schauen oder lesen Sie Nachrichten zu wirtschaftlichen Themen?]
Single Question Frequencies of watching/reading news about economic topics

Number of Participants:


Selection of Target Population/Quotas:

Quota sample. The selection of the target population was based on age-group (18 - 40 years; 41 years and older), education (“Fachhochschulreife”/”Abitur”; no “Abitur”) and gender quota:
  • 18 - 40 years, Less than "Abitur", 11 females and 7 males
  • 18 - 40 years, "Fachhochschulreife"/"Abitur", 12 females and 15 males
  • 41 years and older, Less than "Abitur", 19 females and 18 males
  • 41 years and older, "Fachhochschulreife"/"Abitur", 10 females and 16 males

Test Date:

07/2014 - 08/2014

Survey mode:


Pretest mode:

Web Probing


Usage of an online-questionnaire with additional open and closed probing-questions.

Incentive for respondents:

5 Euro

Project Description:

The German Internet Panel (GIP) is part of the collaborative research center 884 “The Political Economy of Reforms“ (CRC 884) at the University of Mannheim. The GIP is the central data collection instrument at the CRC and provides information about individual reform preferences and their change in several research teams. At the same time GIP is the first longitudinal study conducted online that is based on a random sample of the population. It also includes people who did not have access to computers and/or internet before by providing them with the necessary equipment.



Uni Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Nicole Baerg

DOI of Data Set in the GESIS Data Archive:
Pretest Report (German): Link mit Abbildung für pdf Datei Download
Pretest Report (English): Link mit Abbildung für pdf Datei Download Citation: Lenzner, T., & Soiné, H. (2014): German Internet Panel (GIP) – Module “Inflation” November Wave 2014 (English Version). Cognitive Online-Pretest. GESIS Project Reports. Version: 1.0. GESIS - Pretestlab. Text.