FReDA-W2b - Questions on the topics of women's fertility, affective touching behavior, sexual orientation, and transnational families (English Version) - Cognitive Online Pretest


At the core of "FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study" are annual surveys of 18- to 49-year-old women and men and their partners. This will enable data users to answer various family-demographic, family-sociological and family-psychological questions.
The subject of this pretest are questions about knowledge about women's fertility, affective touching behavior, sexual orientation, and mutual support in transnational families that were developed for wave 2b of FReDA.
The questions were tested in a cognitive online pretest via web probing.

*Note: The items were tested in German. The items documented here are English translations of the original German wordings.*


Lenzner, T., Schick, L., Hadler, P., Behnert, J., Finzer, M., & Neuert, C. (2022): FReDA-W2b - Questions on the topics of women's fertility, affective touching behavior, sexual orientation, and transnational families (English Version). Cognitive Online Pretest. GESIS Project Reports. Version: 1.0. GESIS - Pretestlab. Text.

Pretesting Results Type Construct
1 In your opinion, what is the probability that a woman aged 30 to 35 will become pregnant if she has unprotected sexual intercourse for one year? Single Question Estimated probabilities of pregnancies
2 In your opinion, what is the probability that a woman aged 40 to 45 will become pregnant if she has unprotected sex for one year? Single Question Estimated probabilities of pregnancies
3 In your opinion, what is the probability that a woman aged 40 to 45 will become pregnant through fertility treatments? Single Question Estimated probabilities of pregnancies
4 How often have you and your partner touched each other in this way in the last week? Single Question Affective touching behavior (kiss)
5 How often would you like to have touched this way with your partner in the last week? Single Question Affective touching behavior (kiss)
6 How often have you and your partner touched each other in this way in the last week? Single Question Affective touching behavior (arm around shoulder)
7 How often would you like to have touched this way with your partner in the last week? Single Question Affective touching behavior (arm around shoulder)
8 How often have you and your partner touched each other in this way in the last week? Single Question Affective touching behavior (intimate embrace)
9 How often would you like to have touched this way with your partner in the last week? Single Question Affective touching behavior (intimate embrace)
10 How would you describe your sexual orientation? Single Question Sexual Orientation
11 Do you have family members living abroad? Single Question Family members abroad
12 Among these family members, are there one or more people to whom you feel very attached? Single Question Attachment to family members abroad
13 In the past 12 months, have you supported family members abroad (i.e., partner, children, parents, or other family members) through one or more of the following? Single Question Support of family members abroad
14 In the past 12 months, have you yourself been assisted by family members abroad (i.e., partner or spouse, children, parents, or other family members) through one or more of the following? Single Question Support received from family members abroad

Number of Participants:


Selection of Target Population/Quotas:

Test persons were between 18 and 49 years old and self-reported to be in a steady relationship at the time of the survey.
At least 40 of the 240 test persons were to have a migration background.
Quota selection. Cross quotas by gender (m/f), age (18–34, 35-49), and education (with/without university entrance qualification):
  • 33 women and 21 men, 18-34 years, no university entrance qualification
  • 33 women and 29 men, 18-34 years, university entrance qualification
  • 33 women and 28 men, 35-49 years, no university entrance qualification
  • 32 women and 31 men, 35-49 years, university entrance qualification

Test Date:


Survey mode:


Pretest mode:

Web Probing


Use of an online questionnaire with additional open and closed probing questions (see Downloads). All test persons received the ten items to be tested on the topics fertility of women, affective touching behavior and sexual orientation as well as a question on whether one has relatives abroad. Those who answered this question in the affirmative were also asked three additional questions on the topic of mutual support in transnational families. The respondents each received cognitive follow-up questions on a subset of the questions to be tested (see Downloads).

Incentive for respondents:

Incentivization according to the guidelines of the panel provider

Project Description:

"FReDA - The German Family Demography Panel Study" is jointly established by the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and the pairfam consortium. It is an infrastructure in Germany that combines the Gender & Generations Programme (GGP) and pairfam under one roof. At the core of FReDA are annual surveys of 18- to 49-year-old women and men and their partners. This will enable data users to answer various family-demographic, family-sociological and family-psychological questions.
In preparation for FReDA wave 2b, a total of 14 newly developed or adapted questions on knowledge about women's fertility, affective touching behavior, sexual orientation, and mutual support in transnational families were subjected to a cognitive online pretest to check the comprehensibility of the questions.

Scientific paper about the study:
Schneider, N. F.; Bujard, M.; Wolf, C.; Gummer, T.; Hank, K. & Neyer, F. J. (2021). Family Research and Demographic Analysis (FReDA): Evolution, Framework, Objectives, and Design of “The German Family Demography Panel Study”. Comparative Population Studies, 46.



Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB)
Dr. Detlev Lück
Pretest Report (German): Link mit Abbildung für pdf Datei Download
Pretest Report (English): Link mit Abbildung für pdf Datei Download
Interview protocol (German): Link mit Abbildung für pdf Datei Download
Interview protocol (English): Link mit Abbildung für pdf Datei Download Citation: Lenzner, T., Schick, L., Hadler, P., Behnert, J., Finzer, M., & Neuert, C. (2022): FReDA-W2b - Questions on the topics of women's fertility, affective touching behavior, sexual orientation, and transnational families (English Version). Cognitive Online Pretest. GESIS Project Reports. Version: 1.0. GESIS - Pretestlab. Text.