FGZ Cohesion Panel: Wave 2 – Questions on climate change, antisemitism, and gender equality (English Version) - Cognitive Online Pretest
The Cohesion Panel of the Research Institute for Social Cohesion (ZHP-FGZ) provides a database for systematic analyses of the relationship between socio-economic living conditions, individual lifestyles, group- and society-related attitudes and values of the population and their political orientations and behaviors.
The subject of this pretest are questions about climate change, antisemitism and gender equality that were developed for the second wave of the ZHP-FGZ.
The questions were tested in a cognitive online pretest via web probing.
*Note: The items were tested in German. The items documented here are English translations of the original German wordings.*
Lenzner, T., Schick, L., Hadler, P., Behnert, J., Steins, P. & Neuert, C. (2022): FGZ Cohesion Panel: Wave 2 – Questions on climate change, antisemitism, and gender equality (English Version). Cognitive Online Pretest. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Anzahl Testpersonen:
Auswahl und Merkmale der Testpersonen:
Test persons were recruited from an online access panel.
Cross quotas by gender (m/w) x age (18 – 45 years/46 – 75 years) x education (with/without university entrance qualification) = 2 x 2 x 2 groups.
Feldzeit des Pretests:
01/2022 - 02/2022
Web Probing
Use of an online questionnaire with additional open and closed probing questions (see Downloads). All subjects received ten questions to be tested as well as cognitive follow-up questions on five of these questions each. Subjects were randomly as-signed to one of two groups. Group 1 (n = 124) received cognitive follow-up questions on questions 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Group 2 (n = 116) received follow-up questions on questions 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Thus, each question was tested quantitatively with 240 respondents and qualitatively with 124 and 116 respondents, respectively. If multiple items within an item battery were tested using cognitive follow-up questions, each item was tested with only a subpopulation of the 124 or 116 subjects.
Incentivization according to the guidelines of the panel provider.
The Cohesion Panel of the Research Institute for Social Cohesion (ZHP-FGZ) provides a database for systematic analyses of the relationship between socio-economic living conditions, individual lifestyles, group- and society-related attitudes and values of the population and their political orientations and behaviors. This is intended to capture issues of social cohesion at the levels of individuals, groups and networks and to explain them through structural situation parameters and cultural dispositions. The ZHP-FGZ thus also opens the possibility of developing and applying new survey concepts for the analysis and monitoring of social cohesion.
University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Groh-Samberg