Project "Best_FDM" - Questions on the Corona pandemic, religion, and household income (English Version) - Cognitive Pretest
As part of the project “Better results through interoperability and standardized research data management: connecting empirical social science research in societal crises (Best_FDM)”, a standard set of questions was developed for use in surveys, recommending survey instruments for both sociodemographic and crisis-related characteristics.
The subject of this pretest are questions on the Corona pandemic, religion and household income.
The questions were tested by means of telephone and video-based cognitive interviews.
*Note: The items were tested in German. The items documented here are English translations of the original German wordings.*
Lenzner, T., Schick, L., Hadler, P., Behnert, J., Steins, P., & Neuert, C. (2022): Project "Best_FDM" - Questions on the Corona pandemic, religion, and household income (English Version). Cognitive Pretest. GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Anzahl Testpersonen:
Auswahl und Merkmale der Testpersonen:
Quota selection. Cross quotas by gender (m/f), age (18–45, 46+), and education (with/without university entrance qualification):
- 2 women and 1 man, 18-45 years, no university entrance qualification
- 1 woman and 2 men, 18-45 years, university entrance qualification
- 1 woman and 2 men, 46+ years, no university entrance qualification
- 2 women and 1 man, 46+ years, university entrance qualification
Feldzeit des Pretests:
Anzahl der Testleiter:
Telefonisch (bzw. extern) durchgeführte Tests (Audioaufnahme):
The cognitive interviews were conducted by telephone or video conference. The interviewers first read out the questions to be tested and noted down the respondents’ answers. The cognitive follow-up questions were either asked directly after the individual questions (concurrent probing) or after several questions had been answered (retrospective probing, see interview protocol in the appendix).
7,50 Euro (interview length: approx. 15min)
As part of the project “Better results through interoperability and standardized research data management: connecting empirical social science research in societal crises (Best_FDM)”, the RatSWD supports empirical research on and in societal crises with a working group. The starting point was the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, but the recommendations for action are intended to apply to societal crises in general. The aim of the working group is to initiate networking and interoperability of social, behavioral, educational and economic research projects across methodological boundaries and thus to support the quality assurance of research data and the change in data culture even in small ad hoc research projects. To this end, a standard set of questions was developed for use in surveys, recommending survey instruments for both sociodemographic and crisis-related characteristics.
Andrés Saravia