European Working Conditions Survey 2024 - Cognitive Pretest


Eurofound is preparing to transition the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) from a computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI) to self-administered online data collection. GESIS was contracted to adapt the CAPI master questionnaire, translate the adapted online questionnaire into German and Polish, and cognitively pretest the online questionnaire using cross-cultural cognitive interviews and web probing. The main goal of cognitive testing was assessing the comparability of the adapted online questionnaire to the original face-to-face questionnaire. Further objectives were testing whether the online questionnaire is suitable for cross-cultural research and applies gender-sensitive language.

*Note: The items were tested in English, German and Polish.*


Hadler, P., Lenzner, T., Schick, L., Steins, P., & Neuert, C. (2022): European Working Conditions Survey 2024. Cognitive Pretest. GESIS Project Reports. Version: 1.0. GESIS - Pretestlab. Text.

Pretesting Results Type Construct
1 English version: Do you have one, or more than one job or business?

German version: Haben Sie ein(en) oder mehr als ein(en) Beruf bzw. Unternehmen?
Single Question Number of jobs
2 English version: Including yourself, how many people in total work at your workplace, that is at the local site where you work?

German version: Sie selbst mitgezählt, wie viele Personen arbeiten insgesamt an Ihrer Arbeitsstätte, d.h. in der örtlichen Betriebsstätte/Niederlassung, in der Sie arbeiten?
Single Question People working at workplace
3 English versions:
Version 1: Are you working as an employee or are you self-employed? [with two or more jobs:] Are you working as an employee or are you self-employed in your main job?
Version 2: Are you working as an employee or are you self-employed?

German versions:
Version 1: Sind Sie angestellt oder sind Sie selbstständig? [with two or more jobs:] Sind Sie in Ihrem Hauptberuf angestellt oder sind Sie selbstständig?
Version 2: Sind Sie angestellt oder sind Sie selbstständig?
Single Question Employee self-declared
4 English version: In which sector of the economy do you work?

German version: In welchem Wirtschaftsbereich arbeiten Sie?
Single Question Economy sector
5 English version: Until what age do you want to work?

German version : Bis zu welchem Alter möchten Sie arbeiten?
Single Question Work until which age
6 English versions:
Version 1: In total, how many minutes per day do you usually spend travelling from home to work and back?
Version 2: In total, how many minutes per day do you usually spend travelling from home to work and back for your main job?

German versions:
Version 1: Wie viele Minuten sind Sie üblicherweise pro Tag insgesamt unterwegs, um von zu Hause zur Arbeit zu gelangen und wieder zurück?
Version 2: Wie viele Minuten sind Sie üblicherweise pro Tag insgesamt unterwegs, um im Rahmen Ihres Hauptberufs von zu Hause zur Arbeit zu gelangen und wieder zurück?
Single Question Time spent commuting
7 English versions:
Version 1: How many hours do you usually work per week in your main paid job?
Version 2: How many hours do you usually work per week in your paid job?
Filter: How many hours do you work usually per month in your main paid job? How many hours do you work usually per month in your paid job?

German versions:
Version 1: Wie viele Stunden pro Woche arbeiten Sie normalerweise in Ihrem Hauptberuf?
Version 2: Wie viele Stunden pro Woche arbeiten Sie normalerweise in Ihrem Beruf?
Filter: Wie viele Stunden pro Monat arbeiten Sie normalerweise in Ihrem Hauptberuf? Wie viele Stunden pro Monat arbeiten Sie normalerweise in Ihrem Beruf?
Single Question Work hours
8 English version:
Provided that you could make a free choice regarding your working hours and taking into account the need to earn a living: How many hours per week would you prefer to work at present?
Filter: Provided that you could make a free choice regarding your working hours and taking into account the need to earn a living: How many hours per month would you prefer to work at present?

German version:
Wenn Sie frei entscheiden könnten, wie viele Stunden Sie arbeiten wollen: Wie viele Stunden pro Woche würden Sie gegenwärtig am liebsten arbeiten? Bitte beziehen Sie mit ein, dass Sie Ihren Lebensunterhalt verdienen müssen.
Filter: Wenn Sie frei entscheiden könnten, wie viele Stunden Sie arbeiten wollen: Wie viele Stunden pro Monat würden Sie gegenwärtig am liebsten arbeiten? Bitte beziehen Sie mit ein, dass Sie Ihren Lebensunterhalt verdienen müssen.
Single Question Preferred work hours
9 English version:
During the last 12 months, how often have you worked in any of the following locations?

German version:
Wie häufig haben Sie seit Beginn Ihrer Tätigkeit an den folgenden Orten gearbeitet?
Single Question Locations of work
10 English version 1, 2 and 3:
Over the last 12 months, did you suffer under any of the following health problems?

German version 1, 2 and 3:
Haben Sie innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate an einem der folgenden gesundheitlichen Probleme gelitten?
Single Question Health problems
11 English version 1 & 2:
How often does your main paid job involve the following?

German version 1 & 2:
Wie oft schließt Ihr Hauptberuf Folgendes ein?
Single Question Risks
12 English version 1 & 2:
How often does your main paid job involve the following?

German version 1 & 2:
Wie häufig beinhaltet die Arbeit in Ihrem Hauptberuf Folgendes?
Single Question Working conditions
13 English version 1, 2 and 3:
Would you decribe yourself as...?

German version 1, 2 and 3:
Wie würden Sie sich selbst hinsichtlich Ihrer Geschlechtsidentität beschreiben?
Single Question Gender identity
14 English version:
What is the gender of your immediate boss?

German version:
Welches Geschlecht hat Ihr/e direkte/r Vorgesetzte/r?
Single Question Gender of immediate boss
15 English version:
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your immediate [male/female] boss?

German version:
Inwieweit stimmen Sie den folgenden Aussagen über Ihren direkten Vorgesetzten zu oder nicht zu?
Multi-Item Scale Boss description
16 English version:
Which of these categories describes your current situation the best?

German version:
Welche dieser Kategorien beschreibt Ihre derzeitige Situation am besten?
Single Question Work status
17 English versions:
Version 1:
What is the title of your job?
Version 1:
What do you mainly do in your job?
Version 2:
Search tree

German versions:
Version 1:
Welchen Beruf üben Sie zurzeit aus?
Version 1:
Was machen Sie hauptsächlich bei Ihrer Arbeit?
Version 2:
Search tree
Single Question Job title & Job description
18 English version:
What sector of business or industry is the company or organisation where you work mainly active in?

German version:
In welcher Branche oder in welchem Wirtschaftszweig ist das Unternehmen bzw. die Organisation, für die Sie arbeiten, überwiegend tätig?
Single Question Sector

Number of Participants:


Selection of Target Population/Quotas:

The target group in the web probing study included the working population ages 18 to 65 in the UK, Germany, and Poland. Respondents were recruited via a non-probability online panel based on a quota scheme (quotas: working status, gender, age).
The target group in the cognitive interviewing study included the working population ages 18 to 65 years in Germany and Poland. They were recruited based on quotas for working status (employed, self-employed, in atypical working situations), number of jobs or businesses (one, more than one), gender (male, female), age (18-44, 45-65), and education (with/without university entrance degree).

Test Date:

10/2021 - 11/2021

Number of cognitive interviewers:


Survey mode:


Pretest mode:

Web Probing & Remote-CAPI


Due to the dynamics of the pandemic, the cognitive inter views were conducted remotely via video conference or telephone or in person, depending on the local situation. In all cases, the test persons were sent or presented the link to the online questionnaire at the beginning of the interview to ensure that they did not read the questions in advance. The test persons read a survey page, answered it and communicated their respective answers to the interviewer. Cognitive follow-up questions were asked directly following the survey page containing the questions to be tested (concurrent probing).

Incentive for respondents:

Web Probing: According to the policies of the panel provider
Cognitive Interviews: 30 Euro, 100 PLN

Project Description:

Eurofound has developed three regularly repeated pan-European surveys (ECS, EQLS and EWCS) to contribute to the planning and establishment of better living and working conditions. The surveys offer a unique source of comparative information on the quality of living and working conditions across the EU. Detailed analysis of the survey data allows Eurofound to identify new and emerging trends, as well as to gain deeper insight in the issues central to European policy. The results provide a strong basis for policymakers to identify opportunities for improvement and to develop forward-looking perspectives. The surveys are a key element in Eurofound’s mission to provide high-quality information and advice for EU and national-level policymakers, social partners, researchers and European citizens alike. The EWCS is the longest running survey, and has become an established source of information about working conditions and the quality of work and employment. Having been implemented since 1990, it enables monitoring of long-term trends in working conditions in Europe. Themes covered include employment status, working time arrangements, work organisation, learning and training, physical and psychosocial risk factors, health and safety, worker participation, work–life balance, earnings and financial security, as well as work and health.



Agnes Parent-Thirion

Pretest Report (English): Link mit Abbildung für pdf Datei Download
Interview protocol (English): Link mit Abbildung für pdf Datei Download Citation: Hadler, P., Lenzner, T., Schick, L., Steins, P., & Neuert, C. (2022): European Working Conditions Survey 2024. Cognitive Pretest. GESIS Project Reports. Version: 1.0. GESIS - Pretestlab. Text.