As part of the DFG-funded research project "Ensuring Valid Comparisons of Self-Reports in Heterogeneous Populations and Marginalized Groups (ENSURE)" (project number 409654512) at the Chair of Empirical Social Research (Institute of Sociology, Dresden University of Technology), already established measurement instruments of quantitative surveys in health research are subjected to a cognitive pretest to ensure that they can also be used in other language and cultural contexts (cross-linguistic and cross-cultural measurement invariance). The target group consists of people with refugee experience (refugee migration) from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan living in Germany.
The questions were tested with the help of remote cognitive interviews using video-connected consecutive interpreters in Arabic and Dari.
*Note: The Dari and Arabic translation of the items were tested. The items documented here are English translations of the original German source questionnaire.*
Hadler, P., Nießen, D., Lenzner, T., Steins, P., Quint, F., & Neuert, C. (2021): Translation of established public health measurement instruments into Arabic and Dari (ENSURE) (English Version). Cognitive pretest. GESIS Project Reports. Version: 1.0. GESIS - Pretestlab. Text.
Question No. |
Pretesting Results |
Type |
Construct |
How is your health in general? Would you say it is…
[Wie ist Ihr Gesundheitszustand im Allgemeinen? Würden Sie sagen, er ist ...]
Single Question
General health
If you have to climb stairs, that is, walk up several flights of stairs:
How often do you feel impaired due to your health when you do this?
[Wenn Sie Treppen steigen müssen, also mehrere Stockwerke zu Fuß hochgehen:
Wie häufig fühlen Sie sich dabei aufgrund Ihrer Gesundheit beeinträchtigt?]
Single Question
Impairment when climbing stairs
How many times in the last four weeks did it happen that you...
[Wie oft kam es in den letzten vier Wochen vor, dass Sie...]
Multi-Item Scale
Problems in the last four weeks
To what extent did you experience the following troubles during the last four weeks?
[In welchem Ausmaß traten bei Ihnen während der letzten vier Wochen die folgenden Beschwerden auf?]
Multi-Item Scale
How satisfied are you currently…
[Wie zufrieden sind Sie gegenwärtig ...]
Multi-Item Scale
Life satisfaction
How often do you have the feeling, …
[Wie oft haben Sie das Gefühl, ...]
Multi-Item Scale
When you think about your time in Germany, how often were you discriminated against in everyday situations?
[Wenn Sie an Ihre Zeit in Deutschland denken, wie oft wurden Sie in alltäglichen Situationen diskriminiert?]
Multi-Item Scale
Below are some opinions that are sometimes said about a democratic political system. Please indicate how much you agree with each statement.
[Im Folgenden sehen Sie einige Meinungen, die manchmal über ein demokratisches politisches System gesagt werden. Geben Sie bitte an, wie sehr Sie den jeweiligen Aussagen zustimmen.]
Multi-Item Scale
Attitudes towards democracy
Number of Participants:
18 (of which the test person was connected by telephone in six cases, i.e. without a picture)
Selection of Target Population/Quotas:
People with refugee experience from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
The target persons should be as heterogeneous as possible in terms of gender, age and level of education.
Test Date:
- 12/2020 - 01/2021
Number of cognitive interviewers:
- 4
Pretests conducted in the lab (video-recorded):
- -
Pretests conducted via phone or externally (audio-recorded):
- 18
Survey mode:
Pretest mode:
- Remote-CAPI, Remote-CATI
- The cognitive interviews were conducted via video conference. Test persons who did not have the option of video conferencing were able to join in by telephone.
The test persons were sent the questionnaire in advance in paper form, which they should have with them for the interview. They were also sent a link for the video conference. The test person, an interviewer and an interpreter took part in the video conference. The test persons read a question or question battery, answered it and communicated their respective answers to the interviewer. Cognitive follow-up questions were asked after each of the questions to be tested (concurrent probing).
Incentive for respondents:
- 30 euros
Project Description:
As part of the DFG-funded research project "Ensuring Valid Comparisons of Self-Reports in Heterogeneous Populations and Marginalized Groups (ENSURE)" (project number 409654512) at the Chair of Empirical Social Research (Institute of Sociology, Dresden University of Technology), already established measurement instruments of quantitative surveys in health research are subjected to a cognitive pretest to ensure that they can also be used in other language and cultural contexts (cross-linguistic and cross-cultural measurement invariance). The target group consists of people with refugee experience (refugee migration) from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan living in Germany.
University of Dresden
Pretest Report (German):
Pretest Report (English):
Interview protocol (German):
Interview protocol (English):
Hadler, P., Nießen, D., Lenzner, T., Steins, P., Quint, F., & Neuert, C. (2021): Translation of established public health measurement instruments into Arabic and Dari (ENSURE) (English Version). Cognitive pretest. GESIS Project Reports. Version: 1.0. GESIS - Pretestlab. Text.