Multi-Item Scale:

Item Text:

… being on the outside? (2) [... außen vor zu sein? (2)]

Different Answer Format Tested:



What do the test persons understand by “being on the outside”?

With one exception, all test persons understood "being left out" to mean being excluded and ignored. There were neither country-specific nor language-related differences. In addition to the two expressions "being excluded" and "being ignored", terms such as not being noticed by others (SY01, SY02), feeling disinterested by others (SY06, IR02), not being paid attention to (DA01), feeling isolated and left alone (DA03), not being taken seriously (DA04), not being wanted (DA05), and being distanced by others (DA05) were mentioned. One test person also mentioned that she understood this to mean having a degree and being educated, but not being able to find a job or work (SY02).

Only test person IR06 understood "being on the outside" to mean the other perspective, i.e., with-drawing, excluding oneself from others and isolating oneself. However, this test person said shortly before that it rarely happened that, for example, a friend on the street pretended not to see her, and thereupon selected the answer category "rarely". Furthermore, she stated that she saw a difference between items 2 and 3, but could not explain it further, and made different statements for items 2 and 3 ("rarely" vs. "sometimes"). Therefore, the comprehension problem seemed to be minor or possibly due to a comprehension problem of the probing question and not of the item itself.


No changes recommended.

Question tested:
