Verschiedene Antwortformate getestet:
Befund zum Item:
All test persons reject terrorism and, with one exception, respond with "fully agree" or "rather agree". Only one test person answered with "do not agree at all" (DE03). However, one learns from the explanatory statement that she was mistaken in the direction of the scale and should actually have indicated "fully agree". She does not notice the error even during the inquiries and leaves her answer. Some stress that terrorism has nothing to do with religion and that Islam does not justify terrorism (DE04, TR07).
The understanding of terrorism was not systematically investigated, but the answers of the test persons show that they sometimes have different views on what is covered by it. Associations include attacking another country (DE01), taking a stand against a state (TR06), but also terror against civilians (DE02), killing innocent people without reason (DE04), "injustice and murders" (TR08) and taking human lives (TR10).