Islamist attitudes among young Muslims in Germany (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: The items were tested in German, Arabic and Turkish. These are English translations of the original German wordings.*

Question Text:

Please tick how much you agree with the following statements.
[Bitte kreuzen Sie an, wie sehr Sie folgenden Aussagen zustimmen.]

Answer Categories:

do not agree at all [stimme überhaupt nicht zu]
rather not agree [stimme eher nicht zu]
medium approval [mittlere Zustimmung]
rather agree [stimme eher zu]
fully agree [stimme voll und ganz zu]

Cognitive Techniques:

General Probing, Emergent Probing.
Item Text Actively tested

Item Text:

There is no justification for any kind of terrorism.
[Es gibt keine Rechtfertigung für jede Art von Terrorismus.]


No changes recommended.

Item Text:

Killing is justified if it is an act of revenge.
[Das Töten ist gerechtfertigt, wenn es ein Akt der Rache ist.]


No changes recommended.

Item Text:

We should answer terror with terror.
[Wir sollten Terror mit Terror beantworten.]


No changes recommended.

Item Text:

War is the beginning of salvation.
[Krieg ist der Beginn der Erlösung.]


The Turkish and Arabic translations should be checked with regard to the German word "Erlösung". The test persons interpret the words heterogeneously in both languages. Alternatively, the fourth item could be deleted.