Islamist attitudes among young Muslims in Germany (English Version)

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*Note: The item was tested in German, Arabic and Turkish. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*
Filter: Only if test person feels belonging to an Islamic religious community (question 31)


What do you feel like?
[Als was fühlen Sie sich?]
I feel like a...
[Ich fühle mich als...]


Sunni. [Sunnit.]
Shiite. [Schiit.]
Alevit. [Alevit.]
Imamit. [Imamit.]
Wahhabi. [Wahhabit.]
Muslim. [Muslim.]
Other, namely: [Sonstiges, nämlich: ]
Don't know. [Weiß nicht.]


Question: We recommend asking directly about the religious affiliation.
Response Options: If the question is considered too sensitive, it is advisable to offer an additional answer category "I do not want to specify".