Allgemeine Informationen:
*Note: The item was tested in German, Arabic and Turkish. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*
Question 30 was not actively tested, but only served as a context for question 31.
Which of the following statements fits you best?
[Welche der folgenden Aussagen passt am besten auf Sie?]
Please tick only one answer. [Bitte kreuzen Sie nur eine Antwort an.]
I am a believer, following the teaching of my religion. [Ich bin gläubig und folge den Lehren meiner Religion.]
I am religious in my own personal way. [Ich bin auf meine persönliche Art und Weise religiös.]
I believe in God, but I am not strictly religious. [Ich glaube an Gott, aber ich bin nicht streng religiös.]
I cannot tell if I am religious or not. [Ich kann nicht sagen, ob ich religiös bin oder nicht.]
I am not religious, I am not interested in such things. [Ich bin nicht religiös, ich bin an solchen Dingen nicht interessiert.]
I am not religious, because in my opinion religion is not right. [Ich bin nicht religiös, denn meiner Meinung nach ist Religion nicht richtig.]
Check translation.
Eingesetzte kognitive Technik/en:
General Probing.
Befund zur Frage:
Question 30 served as context and was not explicitly tested. Again, several test persons showed difficulties in understanding single words in the Turkish questionnaire. One respondent looked up the word "dindarım" (pious) in the second and "dindar" (religious) in the third answer category on her mobile phone because she is not familiar with it (TR06). Another respondent notes that the word "Tanri" (God) might be perceived as offensive by believing Muslims, who instead speak of Allah (TR07).
Two test persons (TR08, TR09) ask whether they should choose only one answer category, but answer this question themselves (and correctly give only one answer).
Thema der Frage:
Religion & Kultur/ Weltanschauungen & Religiosität
Identification with religion