SHARE Wave 9 – New items on financial decision making, successful ageing, eating habits, sleep, long-term care insurance, and long-term care expectations (English Version)

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*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording. The translation does not correspond exactly to the wording in the English SHARE source questionnaire.*


How many servings of fruits or vegetables do you eat during a typical day?
[Wie viele Portionen Obst oder Gemüse essen Sie an einem typischen Tag?]


One serving could be a medium-sized apple, banana, tomato or one handful of fruits or vegetables. Please exclude potatoes and other starchy roots such as sweet potato or cassawa.
[Eine Portion könnte etwa ein mittelgroßer Apfel, eine mittelgroße Banane oder Tomate oder eine Hand-voll Obst oder Gemüse sein. Bitte zählen Sie Kartoffeln und andere stärkehaltige Wurzeln wie Süßkartoffeln und Maniok nicht mit.]


_____servings [_____Portionen]


Question: In order to avoid respondents reporting either exclusively on their fruit or exclusively on their vegetable consumption, it is recommended that both foods be queried separately.
In order to avoid respondents naming "half" instead of "medium-sized" servings, we recommend not stating a size and to modify the definition(s) of a serving of fruits or vegetables as follows:

"One serving of fruit could be an apple, a banana or a handful of berries." [„Eine Portion Obst könnte etwa ein Apfel, eine Banane oder eine Handvoll Beeren sein.“]

"One serving of vegetables could be a tomato, a carrot or a handful of lettuce. Please exclude..." [„Eine Portion Gemüse könnte etwa eine Tomate, eine Karotte oder eine Handvoll Salat sein. Bitte zählen Sie …“]

In addition, the question should only be asked to those respondents who indicated in question 2 that they eat fruit or vegetables daily, as there can (logically) be no "typical day" for all other respondents.
Alternatively, the wording of the question should make it clear that respondents should think of a day when they eat fruit and/or vegetables:

"If you think of a day when you eat fruit or vegetables: how many servings of fruit or vegetables do you normally eat?" [„Wenn Sie an einen Tag denken, an dem Sie Obst oder Gemüse essen: Wie viele Portionen Obst oder Gemüse essen Sie dann normalerweise?“]

Response Options: No changes recommended.