European Working Conditions Survey 2024

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested in English, German and Polish.*


English versions:

Version 1:
What is the title of your job?
Version 1:
What do you mainly do in your job?
Version 2:
Search tree

German versions:

Version 1:
Welchen Beruf üben Sie zurzeit aus?
Version 1:
Was machen Sie hauptsächlich bei Ihrer Arbeit?
Version 2:
Search tree


English version 1:

Please indicate the exact job title. For example, write ”forwarding merchant” and not ”commercial employee”, or ”machine fitter” instead of ”worker”. If you are a civil servant, please indicate your job title, e.g. ”policemaster”, or ”study council”. If you are a trainee, please indicate the profession you are training for.
English version 1:
Please describe your professional activity and your main tasks in as much detail as possible. Examples are ”Filling shelves with products and taking inventory”, ”Caring for patients, giving medication, monitoring vital signs”, ”Caring for patients, treating teeth and gums”, ”Monitoring the inventory in the women’s department, serving customers and cashier activities”.

German version 1:

Bitte geben Sie die genaue Berufsbezeichnung an. Schreiben Sie bspw. "Speditionskaufmann/frau" statt "kaufmännische/r Angestellte/r", oder "Maschinenschlosser/in" statt "Arbeiter/in". Wenn Sie verbeamtet sind, geben Sie bitte Ihre Amtsbezeichnung an, bspw. "Polizeimeister/in" oder "Studienrat/rätin". Wenn Sie als Auszubildende/r, Trainee oder Volontär/in tätig sind, geben Sie bitte Ihren Ausbildungsberuf an.
German version 1:
Bitte beschreiben Sie Ihre berufliche Tätigkeit und Ihre wesentlichen Aufgaben so genau wie möglich. Beispiele sind "Regale mit Produkten auffüllen und Inventur machen", "Patienten versorgen, Medikamente geben, Vitalzeichen überwachen", "Patienten betreuen, Zähne und Zahnfleisch behandeln", "Überwachung des Warenbestandes in der Damenabteilung, Bedienen von Kundinnen und Kassiertätigkeit".



Regarding the question format, we recommend retaining the two open-ended questions to capture the occupational status.

Q5 (job title)
  • Regarding the question text, the Polish translation should ask about the “name of the current [main] position” to avoid confusion among respondents who work in a profession that differs from their education
  • Regarding the instruction, the term “study council” should be replaced by an ISCO-relevant category, such as the level at which someone teaches (i.e., “secondary school teacher”)
Q6 (job description)
  • Although this did not lead to problems during the cognitive pretest, we recommend adapting the question text for respondents working in multiple jobs, to ensure that they relate to their main job only. To avoid having the word “main” twice within the question text the following wording could be used:
    “And what do you mainly do in this job?”