PaCo - Mechanisms of panel conditioning in longitudinal surveys: Questions on social desirability, gender roles, and environment (English Version)

Allgemeine Informationen:

*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*


Would you agree to share your Apple or Samsung Health data with us so that we can link it to your questionnaire information for scientific purposes?
[Wären Sie damit einverstanden, Ihre Apple- oder Samsung-Health-Daten mit uns zu teilen, damit wir diese mit Ihren Angaben aus dem Fragebogen für wissenschaftliche Zwecke ver- knüpfen können?]


Yes, I agree [Ja, ich stimme zu]
No, I do not agree [Nein, ich stimme nicht zu]
I do not own a smartphone from these manufacturers [Ich besitze kein Smartphone von diesen Herstellern]


Question: We recommend that this question be preceded by a filter question asking whether the respondents own a smartphone from Apple or Samsung. Question 16 should then only be asked of those respondents who answer this filter question in the affirmative. In addition, a short explanation should be added to the question to clarify that the Health app automatically records certain data, even if the app is not actively used.

Alternatively, if the question is intended to capture general willingness to share smartphone data, regardless of whether respondents own an Apple or Samsung smartphone, we recommend rephrasing the question:

"Would you agree to share health data collected from your smartphone with us so that we can link it to your questionnaire information for scientific purposes?" [Würden Sie zustimmen, die von Ihrem Smartphone gesammelten Gesundheitsdaten mit uns zu teilen, damit wir sie zu wissenschaftlichen Zwecken mit Ihren Fragebogendaten verknüpfen können?]

Response format: No changes recommended. When using an upstream filter question, the answer category "I do not own a smartphone from these manufacturers" should be removed.