PaCo - Mechanisms of panel conditioning in longitudinal surveys: Questions on social desirability, gender roles, and environment (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*

Question Text:

What does the environmental protection label of the Umweltbund look like?
[Wie sieht das Umweltschutzzeichen des Umweltbundes aus?]

Answer Categories:

Green tree [Grüner Baum]
Stamp: Registered with the Federal Environmental Agency [Stempel: Registriert beim Umweltbundesamt]
Imprint: environmentally certified [Impressum: umweltzertifiziert]
Green federal eagle [Grüner Bundesadler]
Blue angel [Blauer Engel]
Don't know [Weiß nicht]


Question: We recommend changing the question text due to the fact that the Blue Angel is not the environmental protection label of the Umweltbund, but of the Federal Environment Agency or the Federal Ministry for the Environment:

“What does the Federal Environmental Agency/Federal Ministry for the Environment's environmental protection label look like?” [Wie sieht das Umweltschutzlabel des Umweltbundesamtes/Bundesumweltministeriums aus?]

Answer options: No changes recommended.