PaCo - Mechanisms of panel conditioning in longitudinal surveys: Questions on social desirability, gender roles, and environment (English Version)

General Information:

*Note: The item was tested in German. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*

Question Text:

Would you be willing to pay more money for drinking water if it financed measures against drinking water pollution?
[Wären Sie bereit, mehr Geld für Trinkwasser zu bezahlen, wenn damit Maßnahmen gegen die Trinkwasserverschmutzung finanziert werden würden?]

Answer Categories:

1 No, not ready at all [Nein, überhaupt nicht bereit]
7 Yes, fully ready [Ja, vollständig bereit]
Don't know [Weiß nicht]


Question: The results of the cognitive interviews indicate that question 6 is not particularly well suited to capture socially desirable response behavior. In addition, the intention of the question is not clear (is it about drinking water treatment or water prices in the supermarket?), which allows respondents room for interpretation. Although the frequency distribution of the answers gives the impression that the majority of the test persons answered in a socially desirable manner, in most cases this did not seem to be because the test persons wanted to present themselves in a better light. If the goal of the question is to capture socially desirable behavior, we therefore recommend deleting the question.

Response format: No changes recommended.