Do the test persons have problems understanding or answering the question?
None of the ten test persons had problems understanding or answering the question. The test persons' answers were largely consistent with their answers to probing question N7_F1 (see appendix) from question 1, that is, those who had previously indicated that they had a firm opinion on the subject also chose a scale point between 5 and 7 here:
Test person 01, who first had to think about how to answer question 1, also stated in question 2 that she had no clear opinion on the subject (scale point 2): “I don't have a clear opinion on this, because I find that it always varies from person to person, and I find that you can't say that across the board.”
Only the two answers given by test person 04 did not agree one hundred percent. While she stated that she did not have a definite opinion on question 1, she stated that she had a rather clear opinion on question 2 (scale point 5). According to this test person, answering question 1 was rather difficult due to the fact that she had never dealt with the topic before. She understood question 2 to mean whether she had reached a clear opinion, which she tended to answer in the affirmative. She did not choose the outer scale point "I have a clear opinion on this" because she did not have this opinion in advance. Her response behavior therefore does not indicate a misinterpretation of the question.