The majority of the test persons indicate that they strongly agree (TP 04, 07, 11) or disagree (TP 01, 02, 05, 08) with the statement. Two subjects disagree with the statement (TP 09, 12) and one subject strongly disagrees (TP 03). No test person chooses the answer "neither nor".
Test persons who (strongly) agree with the statement usually justify their answers by stating that in their opinion the differences in salaries between rich and poor should be reduced or that the state must ensure that all citizens have an adequate standard of living (TP 01, 02, 04, 07, 08, 09):
One test person, on the other hand, refers to gender differences in salaries: "I do think that regarding women and men there should be some corrections. This is a sector in which the state should definitely intervene if there are disparities. But at the end of the day we have all that. I can see the biggest gap between women and men.” (TP 05).
Test persons, who (strongly) disagree with the statement, justify their answer either by stating that they are not in favor of state interference or by stating that this is also their own responsibility / the responsibility of the citizens:
When asked what would be appropriate measures to reduce income disparities, the test persons on the one hand name "regulation through taxes (or salaries)" (5 TPs), such as a "wealth tax" (TP 08, 11), "tax relief for low income earners" (TP 02), or the "capping of rodent salaries" (TP 04) or the "increasing the minimum wage" (TP 01). On the other hand, "access to the labor market" is considered a suitable measure (TP 4). This is to be realized by better education and training (TP 03, 12), but also by own further training (TP 12). Test person 04 also includes the idea that jobs should be kept in Germany and not relocated abroad, and TP 05, which was mainly concerned with income differences between women and men, considers the provision of more childcare places as a suitable measure so that women can continue to work even if they have children.
Test person 09 sees the responsibility at this point less with the state, but rather with the trade unions, which, by concluding "decent collective agreements", could ensure that people "can really live on their salary “.
Subject 07, who "strongly agrees" with the statement in question 2, states that he is not aware of any measures that the state could take to reduce income disparities.
Finally, the test persons were asked whether they had poor or rich people in mind when they answered this question. A total of five test persons thought primarily of "poor" people (TP 01, 02, 08, 11, 12), one test person stated that he thought of "rich" people (TP 04), and one thought of "both" equally (TP 07). The other three test persons state that they have neither thought of "poor" nor "rich" people, but rather of "the middle class" (TP 09), "women" (TP 05) or "people who are willing to perform. I have thought of people who are willing to work [...] and that should be rewarded." (TP 03).