Question: We recommend asking directly about the religious affiliation.
Response Options: If the question is considered too sensitive, it is advisable to offer an additional answer category "I do not want to specify".
Half of the test persons (n=7) answered the question with "Sunni"; four others with "Muslim". One test person each answers with "Shiite" (DE01), "Other, namely [Ahmaddyia]" (DE04) and "don't know" (AR14).
One respondent noted that in the response options only older currents were present, but the newer ones were missing (TR09). However, the test person does not find this absolutely necessary. Other denominations mentioned are "Ahmaddyia" (DE01, AR13), "Süleymanci" (TR07) and "Yazidi" (AR13). For most test persons all answer categories are understandable; only "Wahhabit" and "Imamit" are not known to some test persons (DE01, DE05, TR06, AR11).
The majority of the test persons found it "very easy" or "rather easy" to answer the question. They justify this on the one hand by the fact that they were already attributed one of the faith orientations at birth or by the family (DE01, DE02, DE03, DE04). On the other hand, the test persons justify their faith orientation with the way they practice their faith, since there are considerable differences (AR13).
The term "feel"
Individual test persons specifically address the formulation "feel" (DE01, DE02, AR14). These test persons consider the term to be incorrect in connection with faith, since the orientation of faith has nothing to do with a feeling, instead one is a member of an orientation or not (DE02). One test person explains that one is born into a belief system (DE01). "Muslim" as an answer option applies to people who do not care or are unfamiliar with a specific faith orientation and who simply see themselves as Muslims.
One respondent refuses to answer (AR14) because he or she understands the question in translation as asking how he or she feels and because of their current ambivalence to faith they do not know what to feel. However, the test person confirms in her statement that she is a Muslim, only how she feels is currently not clear to her.