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Project Title:Islamist attitudes among young Muslims in Germany (English Version)
  1. General Information: *Note: This item was tested in German, Arabic and Turkish. This is an English translation of the original German wording.*
    Filter: Only if test person feels belonging to an Islamic religious community (question 31)
  2. Question Text: How strongly do you identify yourself with being Muslim?
    [Wie stark identifizieren Sie sich damit, muslimisch zu sein?]
  3. Answer Categories very strong [sehr stark]

    rather strong [relativ stark]

    neither nor [weder noch]

    a little [ein wenig]

    very little [sehr gering]

    not at all [überhaupt nicht]

    1. Recommendations: Question: The Turkish translation of the question must be checked.
      Response Options: The answer option "neither nor" cannot be interpreted meaningfully in this context and should be deleted.
      The translation of the response options into Turkish and Arabic should be checked again and adapted accordingly.
  1. Cognitive Techniques:Information image/link to cognitive pretesting General Probing, Specific Probing.
  2. Findings for Question: The question is understood well in German and Arabic.
    In Turkish, two test persons spontaneously note that the question is too complicated (TR08, TR10). A further test person has comprehension problems (TR07). The word "özdeslestiriyorsunuz" could be translated with the German word "Ehre", so that the question was what honor someone has to be Muslim with it.

    The term "identity"
    The phrase "to identify oneself" is associated by almost all test persons with following the Islamic teachings and rules and fulfilling the five pillars of Islam (DE01, DE02, DE03, DE04, TR08, TR09, TR10, AR11, AR12, AR13, AR14). This includes actively participating in Ramadan (DE01, DE03, AR14), praying daily, and visiting a mosque (DE02, DE03, TR10, AR11, AR12, AR13, AR14).
    Test person DE03 associates identifying with the Islamic religion with, among other things, not having to be ashamed of their own religious orientation. In addition, test persons TR06, AR11 and AR12 state that they identify with Islam because of their family background.
    To identify oneself little with being Islamic is viewed differently by the test persons. Test person DE01 states that someone who identifies little with being Islamic believes in God but does not follow the rules of religion. TR10 refers to the fact that someone does not understand or cannot understand the religion. AR13, similar to DE01, justifies the fact that someone is not very interested in religion and turns away from faith due to a bad external social influence.
    In contrast, one respondent explained that someone who identifies little with being Muslim is still involved in faith and the practice of faith. This includes, for example, reading the Koran during Ramadan, and praying at least three times a day (AR14).

    Response options
    The response option "neither nor" causes problems in all languages.
    In German, a test person asks whether the category is to be understood as a medium degree of identification (DE01). Another does not understand "neither nor" in the context of the question (DE02). Even a test person who selects this answer notes that the category could lead to confusion (DE05).
    In Turkish, one respondent complained that the answer categories in Turkish did not correspond exactly to those in German (TR09). At the end, the test person marks "a little", which in translation means "not much, but not little". Another test person spontaneously says that he does not need an answer scale for such a question; whether one identifies with his religion is a yes-no question (TR08).
    In the Arabic translation, the test persons (AR11, AR13, AR14) criticized the translation of the answer categories, as these would not correspond to the German translation and would not result in a meaningful gradation (AR13). Test subject AR11 criticizes that in the Arabic translation the word for "Muslim" is conjugated with female.
  1. Question Topic: Religion & culture/ Worldview & religiosity
  2. Construct: Identification with religion